Is MySQL have “analysis function” in Oracle?

I am looking for analysis functions like PARTITION BY in MySQL (see docs for more information)

< p>Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of
rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return
multiple rows for each group.

Does it exist ?

No, compared with other DBMS (such as MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL), it is MySQL One of the main disadvantages. I strongly suspect that I will see Window Functions in MySQL in the future, especially after Oracle acquires MySQL…

Update 04/2018

MySQL 8.0 now supports window functions.

I am looking for analysis functions like PARTITION BY in MySQL (see docs for more information)

< p>

Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of
rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return
multiple rows for each group.

Does it exist?

No, compared with other DBMSs (such as MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL), it is one of the main shortcomings of MySQL. I strongly doubt that in the future MySQL You will see Window Functions, especially after Oracle acquired MySQL…

Update 04/2018

MySQL 8.0 now supports window functions.


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