PostgreSQL – PGADMIN 4 (or DB VisualiSer) Entity Relationship

How to use pgAdmin v4 or DB Visualizer or any other open source tools to make entity relationship diagrams?

PG Administrator
pgadmin III has many interpreters, but they suggest that there should be a tab called “Graphical Query Builder” under the Tools/Query menu. No. After that It has been explained that this feature no longer exists in pgadmin.

I have 70 tables in my schema, and I am trying to find instructions on how to generate a graphical representation of the relationship between them.


Does anyone know where to find instructions on how to use open source tools (written in clear English)?

DB Visualizer
I have downloaded DB Visualiser separately on my mac, but I can’t find instructions on how to locate and connect to the database, but the table values ​​don’t make sense to me. I get A successful connection message, and then I can see the name of the db on the connection tab (I entered it in the wizard), but all the menus below are garbled-none of them show my architecture.

Does anyone know how to generate an entity relationship diagram for Postgres on a Mac?

I finally found out: gem “rails-erd” This produced the chart in 2 minutes. < /div>

How to use pgAdmin v4 or DB Visualizer or any other open source tools to make entity relationship diagrams?

PG Administrator
pgadmin III has many interpreters, but they suggest that there should be a tab called “Graphical Query Builder” under the Tools/Query menu. No. After that It has been explained that this feature no longer exists in pgadmin.

I have 70 tables in my schema, and I am trying to find instructions on how to generate a graphical representation of the relationship between them.


Does anyone know where to find instructions on how to use open source tools (written in clear English)?

DB Visualizer
I have downloaded DB Visualiser separately on my mac, but I can’t find instructions on how to locate and connect to the database, but the table values ​​don’t make sense to me. I get A successful connection message, and then I can see the name of the db on the connection tab (I entered it in the wizard), but all the menus below are garbled-none of them show my architecture.

Does anyone know how to generate an entity relationship diagram for Postgres on a Mac?

I finally found out: gem “rails-erd” This produced the chart in 2 minutes.

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