PostgreSQL – PGADMIN Display Type [] But not type

I created an ENUM type in PostgreSQL tribool. I created a table column with tribool type. Now I am writing a function with tribool type parameters. However, pgAdmin is only in the drop-down list Tribool [] is displayed in the, but not tribool.
This is obviously one of the current version of pgAdmin 1.14.2 Minor mistake. I created a ticket in the project bugtracker:

Thank you for reporting.

Guillaume Lelarge has applied the fix. It will be deployed with the next version 1.14.3.

< p>pgAdmin v1. Write a function with tribool type parameters. However, pgAdmin only displays tribool[] in the drop-down list, but does not display tribool.

This is obviously the current version of pgAdmin 1.14 A small error in .2. I created a ticket in the project bugtracker:

Thank you for reporting .

Guillaume Lelarge has applied the fix. It will be deployed with the next version 1.14.3.

pgAdmin v1.14.3 has been released, and the error has been fixed.

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