PostgreSQL – Postgres image is not created database

According to these docs, I can use env var POSTGRES_DB to specify the name of the database created by the postgres docker image. I set it in the docker-compose file, but it is not created.

This is the relevant part of the compose file:

image: postgres:10
POSTGRES_DB: user-auth

This is the log:

Attaching to userauth_pg_1
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.803 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "0.0 .0.0", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.803 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.806 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.817 UTC [24] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2018-02-05 18:03:26 UTC
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.942 UTC [24] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; aut omatic recovery in progress
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [24] LOG: redo starts at 0/1633ED0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [ 24] LOG: invalid record length at 0/1633F08: wanted 24, got 0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [24] LOG: redo done at 0/1633ED0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.955 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:59.140 UTC [31] FATAL: database "user- auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:06:15.528 UTC [32] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:08 :46.120 UTC [33] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:08:46.151 UTC [34] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:02.138 UTC [35] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:02.926 UTC [36] FATAL : database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.244 UTC [37] FATAL: database "us er-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.273 UTC [38] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18 :14:04.602 UTC [39] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.910 UTC [40] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.777 UTC [41] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.823 UTC [42 ] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.878 UTC [43] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018 -02-05 18:14:06.663 UTC [44] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:06.716 UTC [45] FATAL: database "user- auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:16:32.713 UTC [46] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:47 :04.603 UTC [47] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.413 UTC [1] LOG: received smart shutdown request
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.417 UTC [1] LOG: worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 30) exited with exit code 1
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.419 UTC [25] LOG: shutting down
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.434 UTC [1] LOG: database system is shut down
pg_1 | 2018-02- 05 19:08:42.934 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.934 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.937 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.951 UTC [25] LOG: database system was shut down at 2018-02-05 18:51:34 UTC
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19: 08:42.956 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:09:04.316 UTC [32] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:09:18.081 UTC [33] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist

< /div>

You are most likely to start the container without setting the env variable.
Then when there is no user or DB information In the case of initializing db.

You need to delete the volume and try again.

Credit: /453#issuecomment-393939412

According to these docs, I can use env var POSTGRES_DB to specify the name of the database created by the postgres docker image. I set it in the docker-compose file It, but it was not created.

This is the relevant part of the compose file:

image: postgres :10
POSTGRES_DB: user-auth

This is the log:

Attaching to userauth_pg_1
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.803 UTC [ 1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.803 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432< br />pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.806 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
pg_1 | 2 018-02-05 18:05:54.817 UTC [24] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2018-02-05 18:03:26 UTC
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05 :54.942 UTC [24] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [24] LOG: redo starts at 0/1633ED0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [24] LOG: invalid record length at 0/1633F08: wanted 24, got 0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.944 UTC [24] LOG: redo done at 0/1633ED0
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:05:54.955 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
pg_1 | 2018-02- 05 18:05:59.140 UTC [31] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:06:15.528 UTC [32] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:08:46.120 UTC [33] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:08:46.151 UTC [34] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:02.138 UTC [35] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:02.926 UTC [36] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.244 UTC [37] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.273 UTC [38] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.602 UTC [39] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:04.910 UTC [40] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.777 UTC [41] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.823 UTC [42] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:05.878 UTC [ 43] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:06.663 UTC [44] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:14:06.716 UTC [45] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:16:32.71 3 UTC [46] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:47:04.603 UTC [47] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.413 UTC [1] LOG: received smart shutdown request
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.417 UTC [1] LOG: worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 30) exited with exit code 1
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.419 UTC [25] LOG: shutting down
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 18:51:34.434 UTC [1] LOG: database system is shut down
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.934 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.934 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.937 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.951 UTC [25] LOG: database system was shut down at 2018-02 -05 18:51:34 UTC
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:08:42.956 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:09:04.316 UTC [32] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist
pg_1 | 2018-02-05 19:09:18.081 UTC [33] FATAL: database "user-auth" does not exist

You are most likely to start the container without setting the env variable.
Then initialize db without user or DB information.

You need to delete the volume and try again.

Credit: /docker-library/postgres/issues/453#issuecomment-393939412

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