How to automatically generate CODE according to the first letter according to the entered Name when the PowerDesigner creates a table

Introduce how to automatically generate a table based on the entered Name when PowerDesigner creates a table Code method, which is also the most commonly used in practical applications. According to the default setting, the Code content is the same as the Name. If you enter the Chinese Name, the automatically generated Code is also in Chinese. This is not what we want. We often use the Chinese first letter as the Code.

Main menu Tools->Model Options-> Naming Convention item (setting this item will affect all child nodes). Check “Enable name/code conversions” “.

Enter the following script in the Name To Code tab..vbscript(%Name%) ScriptResult=getpy(ScriptInputArray(0)) function getpychar(char) tmp=65536+asc(char) if(tmp >=45217 and tmp<=45252) then getpychar= "A" elseif(tmp>=45253 and tmp<=45760) then getpychar= "B" elseif(tmp>=45761 and tmp<=46317) then getpychar= "C "elseif(tmp>=46318 and tmp<=46825) then getpychar= "D" elseif(tmp>=46826 and tmp<=47009) then getpychar= "E" elseif(tmp>=47010 and tmp<=47296) then getpychar= "F" elseif(tmp>=47297 and tmp<=47613) then getpychar= "G" elseif(tmp>=47614 and tmp<=48118) then getpychar= "H" elseif(tmp>=48119 and tmp< =49061) then getpychar= "J" elseif(tmp>=49062 and tmp<=49323) then getpychar= "K" elseif(tmp>=49324 and tmp<=49895) then getpychar= "L" elseif(tmp>=49896 and tmp<=50370) then getpychar= "M" elseif(tmp>=50371 and tmp< =50613) then getpychar= "N" elseif(tmp>=50614 and tmp<=50621) then getpychar= "O" elseif(tmp>=50622 and tmp<=50905) then getpychar= "P" elseif(tmp>= 50906 and tmp<=51386) then getpychar= "Q" elseif(tmp>=51387 and tmp<=51445) then getpychar= "R" elseif(tmp>=51446 and tmp<=52217) then getpychar= "S" elseif (tmp>=52218 and tmp<=52697) then getpychar= "T" elseif(tmp>=52698 and tmp<=52979) then getpychar= "W" elseif(tmp>=52980 and tmp<=53640) then getpychar= "X" elseif(tmp>=53689 and tmp<=54480) then getpychar= "Y" elseif(tmp>=54481 and tmp<=62289) then getpychar= "Z" else'If it is not in Chinese, do not process getpychar= char end if end function function getpy(str) for i=1 to len(str) getpy=getpy&getpychar(mid(str,i,1)) next end function .endvbscript

Introduce how to automatically generate Code according to the first letter of the entered Name when PowerDesigner creates a table, which is also the most commonly used in practical applications. According to the default setting, the Code content is the same as the Name. If you enter the Chinese Name, the automatically generated Code is also in Chinese. This is not what we want. We often use the Chinese first letter as the Code.

Main menu Tools->Model Options-> Naming Convention item (setting this item will affect all child nodes). Check "Enable name/code conversions" ".

Enter the following script in the Name To Code tab..vbscript(%Name%) ScriptResult=getpy(ScriptInputArray(0)) function getpychar(char) tmp=65536+asc(char) if(tmp >=45217 and tmp<=45252) then getpychar= "A" elseif(tmp>=45253 and tmp<=45760) then getpychar= "B" elseif(tmp>=45761 and tmp<=46317) then getpychar= "C "elseif(tmp>=46318 and tmp<=46825) then getpychar= "D" elseif(tmp>=46826 and tmp<=47009) then getpychar= "E" elseif(tmp>=47010 and tmp<=47296) then getpychar= "F" elseif(tmp>=47297 and tmp<=47613) then getpychar= "G" elseif(tmp>=47614 and tmp<=48118) then getpychar= "H" elseif(tmp>=48119 and tmp< =49061) then getpychar= "J" elseif(tmp>=49062 and tmp<=49323) then getpy char= "K" elseif(tmp>=49324 and tmp<=49895) then getpychar= "L" elseif(tmp>=49896 and tmp<=50370) then getpychar= "M" elseif(tmp>=50371 and tmp< =50613) then getpychar= "N" elseif(tmp>=50614 and tmp<=50621) then getpychar= "O" elseif(tmp>=50622 and tmp<=50905) then getpychar= "P" elseif(tmp>= 50906 and tmp<=51386) then getpychar= "Q" elseif(tmp>=51387 and tmp<=51445) then getpychar= "R" elseif(tmp>=51446 and tmp<=52217) then getpychar= "S" elseif (tmp>=52218 and tmp<=52697) then getpychar= "T" elseif(tmp>=52698 and tmp<=52979) then getpychar= "W" elseif(tmp>=52980 and tmp<=53640) then getpychar= "X" elseif(tmp>=53689 and tmp<=54480) then getpychar= "Y" elseif(tmp>=54481 and tmp<=62289) then getpychar= "Z" else'If it is not in Chinese, do not process getpychar= char end if end function function getpy(str) for i=1 to len(str) getpy=getpy&getpychar(mid(str,i,1)) next end function .endv bscript

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