Install SQLite3 using BREW

I want to use sqlite with json extension, so I install it with homebrew. When I run which sqlite, the one that is being used is the anaconda installation. If I try to use pythons sqlite I have the same problem with the library. It is associated with the Anaconda version, and the JSON function is not available. How to replace it with the brew version? Brew provided some values ​​when I installed sqlite, but I don’t know if I need them or how they are used.

LDFLAGS: -L /usr/local/opt/sqlite/lib
CPPFLAGS: -I /usr/local/opt / sqlite / include
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/local/opt / sqlite / lib / pkgconfig

The Sqlite installed by Homebrew is keg-only, it is not linked to /usr/local/….
This is because the system already has an old version of sqlite3.

If you really want to call Homebrew’s sqlite binary file, please specify the full path as shown below.

$/usr/local/opt /sqlite/bin/sqlite3

(All Homebrew packages are symlinked under /usr/local/opt)

I am not familiar with python, but AFAIK sqlite is statically linked to python Executable file. In other words, maybe you have to build python from source to use with Homebrew’s sqlite.

I want to use sqlite with json extension, So I installed it with homebrew. When I run which sqlite, the one being used is the anaconda installation. If I try to use the pythons sqlite library I have the same problem. It is associated with the Anaconda version and the JSON function is not available. How to use replace it with brew version? Brew provided some values ​​when I installed sqlite, but I don’t know if I need them or how they are used.

LDFLAGS: -L /usr/local/opt/sqlite/lib
CPPFLAGS: -I /usr/local/opt / sqlite / include
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/local/opt / sqlite / lib / pkgconfig

< p>The Sqlite installed by Homebrew is keg-only, it is not linked to /usr/local/….
This is because the system already has an old version of sqlite3.

If you really To call Homebrew’s sqlite binary file, please specify the full path as shown below.


(All Homebrew packages are symlinked under /usr/local/opt)

I am not familiar with python, but AFAIK sqlite is statically linked to python executable. In other words, maybe you have to download from Source code build python to use with Homebrew’s sqlite.

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