Create a general query in SQLite-Net C # using SQLiteAsyncConnection

I am using SQLite-net ( to implement a database using Mono on Android and have the following functions:

public class DatabaseTestASync
private SQLiteAsyncConnection m_db;

public delegate void StocksFound(List list);
public event StocksFound StocksFoundListener;

// Uninteresting parts remove, eg constructor

public void AddStock(Stock stock)
m_db.InsertAsync( stock).ContinueWith(t => {Debug.WriteLine(stock.Symbol + "added"); });

public void GetAllStocks()
AsyncTableQuery query = m_db.Table().Where(stock => true);
< br /> private void QueryReturns(Task> t)
if (StocksFoundListener != null)

This is very suitable for giving me a stock list, but I envision it in my There is a table collection in my project, and I don’t want to create a separate AddX, GetAllX, QueryReturns(X), etc. for each table. I am performing these general methods of database operations and trying the following methods:

public class DBQuery
private SQLiteAsyncConnection m_db;
public delegate void OnRecordsFound(List list);
public event OnRecordsFound RecordsFoundListener;< br />
public DBQuery (SQLiteAsyncConnection db)
m_db = db;

public void GetAllRecords()
{< br /> AsyncTableQuery query = m_db.Table().Where(r => true); // COMPILE ERROR HERE

private void QueryReturns(Task> t)
if (RecordsFoundListener != null)
RecordsFoundListener(t.Result);< br /> }

However, it did not compile saying:'T' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor, so that it can be used in a generic type or method'DatabaseUtility.AsyncTableQuery Use it as the parameter'T' in'.

Any ideas on how to make this kind of general database access work?

I don’t really know SQLite internals, but it’s all about generics...

< /p>

Because AsyncTableQuery is defined like this

public class AsyncTableQuery
where T: new ()

...or just based on your mistake, you need to add the same constraint to your T:

public class DBQuery where T: new ( )

If you're using a class or a method which has a constrained generic
– you need to do the same on your method (or a class,
depending on where the T is defined).

I am using SQLite-net( https:/ / Use Mono to implement the database on Android and have the following functions:

public class DatabaseTestASync
private SQLiteAsyncConnection m_db;

public delegate void StocksFound(List list);
public event StocksFound StocksFoundListener;

// Uninteresting parts remove, eg constructor

public void AddStock(Stock stock)
m_db.InsertAsync(stock).ContinueWith(t => {Debug.WriteLine(stock.Symbol + "added"); });
< br /> public void GetAllStocks()
AsyncTableQuery query = m_db.Table().Where(stock => true);
query.ToListAsync(). ContinueWith(QueryReturns);

private void QueryReturns(Task> t)
if (StocksFoundListener != null)

This is great for giving me a list of stocks, but I envision a collection of tables in my project, and I don’t want to create a separate table for each AddX, GetAllX, QueryReturns(X), etc. I am performing these general methods of database operations and trying the following methods:

public class DBQuery
private SQLiteAsyncConnection m_db;
public delegate void OnRecordsFound(List list);
public event OnRecordsFound RecordsFoundListener;

public DBQuery (SQLiteAsyncConnection db)
m_db = db;

public void GetAllRecords()
{< br /> AsyncTableQuery query = m_db.Table().Where(r => true); // COMPILE ERROR HERE

private void QueryReturns(Task> t)
if (RecordsFoundListener != null)
RecordsFoundListener(t.Result);< br /> }

However, it did not compile saying:'T' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor, so that it can be used in a generic type or method'DatabaseUtility.AsyncTableQuery Use it as the parameter'T' in'.

Any ideas on how to make this kind of general database access work?

I really don’t know the SQLite internals, but this is all about generics...

Because AsyncTableQuery is defined like this

public class AsyncTableQuery
where T: new ()

…or just based on your mistake, You need to add the same constraints to your T:

public class DBQuery where T: new ()

If you're using a class or a method which has a constrained generic
– you need to do the same on your method (or a class,
depending on where the T is defined).

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