Update commands in SQLITE

I want to update table A, if the attributes of the table columns are needed, then only it will change, otherwise it will not change..

Update table A set B="abcd" ,C= (case when C="abc" then C="abcd" else C end) where column =1;

means C only Should be changed when column = 1, C value is abc, otherwise C should not be updated.. Should be deleted, only B is changed. But if it is C.
The value is matched, that is, abc gives me output 0… Do not change to abcd

In the THEN section, C = “abcd” compares C with the value and returns 1 or 0.

The entire CASE expression should only return one value and then write it to column C, so you only need’abcd’ in this place:

SET B ='abcd',
WHEN C ='abc' THEN'abcd'
WHERE column = 1;

I want to update table A, if the attributes of the table column are needed, then only it will change, otherwise it will not change…

Update table A set B="abcd" ,C= (case when C="abc" then C="abcd" else C end) where column = 1;

Means that C should only be changed when column = 1, C value is abc, otherwise C should not be updated.. Should be deleted, only B changes. But if it is C.
The value gets Match, that is, abc gives me output 0.. does not change to abcd

In the THEN part, C = “abcd” compares C with the value, and Return 1 or 0.

The entire CASE expression should only return one value and then write it to column C, so you only need’abcd’ in this place:

< /p>

UP DATE tableA
SET B ='abcd',
WHEN C ='abc' THEN'abcd'
WHERE column = 1;

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