iPad JavaScript error has no help

I received the following error with iPad, but not in my desktop browser:

JavaScript: Error
TypeError:'undefined' is not a function

This is a larger js application, this error message is not helpful at all. Is there any way to get the wrong line number or more Information?

Update: This is just fashionable.

line: 0 
page: undefined
desc: TypeError:'undefined' is not a function
chr: undefined

The user agent cheats in FF and safari. There is no error.

You can try to register a custom error handler to window.onerror

window.onerror = function (desc,page, line,chr)
{ alert('Line:'+line); }

desc = error message page = file/page line where the error occurred = ok chr = wrong character in the line Location

I received the following error and iPad, but not in the desktop browser:

JavaScript: Error 
TypeError:'undefined' is not a function

This is a larger js application, this error message is not helpful at all. Is there any way to get the wrong line Number or more information?

Update: This is just fashionable.

line: 0 
page: undefined
desc: TypeError:'undefined' is not a function
chr: undefined

User agent cheats in FF and safari. There is no error.

You can try Register a custom error handler to window.onerror

window.onerror = function (desc,page,line,chr)
{ alert(' Line:'+line); }

desc = error message page = file/page line where the error occurred = ok chr = wrong character position in the line

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