iPad – UiView subceclasses become pixelated in the retina

I have a UIView subclass that is loaded into UIViewController when needed. This view works fine in iPhone 3/4/5 or seems to work fine. It is in iPad 1/2 It looks good. But for the iPad retina screen, the view is pixelated. All labels, buttons, view backgrounds, and text are pixelated.

I didn’t cover the drawRect method before. But Through some other tips, I did it. But still did not solve the problem.

Any ideas, where is the problem with the retina display?

Okay, I found the problem.

The view uses a kind of nested view, where one of the view layers is manipulated and called

layer.shouldRasterize = YES;

But if I add this line , Then solve the problem.

layer.rasterizationScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;

In Apple WWDC 2012, they have a question about this Video. “Polishing interface rotation”. They discuss this issue here

I have a UIView subclass that is loaded into UIViewController when needed. This view works fine or seems to work fine in iPhone 3/4/5. It also looks good in iPad 1/2. But for iPad retina screen, The view is pixelated. All labels, buttons, view backgrounds, and text are pixelated.

Before I did not cover the drawRect method. But with some other tips, I did it. But still Did not solve the problem.

Any ideas, where is the problem with the retina display?

Okay, I found the problem.

The view uses a nested view, one of which is a view layer Is manipulated and called

layer.shouldRasterize = YES;

But if I add this line, it solves the problem.

< p>

layer.rasterizationScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;

In Apple WWDC 2012, they have a video about this. “Polishing interface rotation”. They are here Discussed this issue

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