iPhone – Track-L Did

I am trying to modify an old application. When I built it, the following 2 warnings were given:

ld: warning: directory
following -L not found


ld: warning: directory
‘/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk /usr/lib’
following -L not found

Who knows where this comes from?

I am using xCode 3.2.5

Well, if you want to believe The text of the error message:

ld: warning: directory [...] not found

…It says that the directory cannot be found. If You Google search for the compiler flag, you will see -L is used to specify other library search path directories. So it does not exist in the directory mentioned in the error.

You need to specify the given folder in the Look at the project settings somewhere-it needs to be updated to the current directory where the current version of the SDK is located.

I am trying to modify an old application, and when I build it, The following 2 warnings are given:

ld: warning: directory
‘/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/ iPhoneSimulator3.0.sdk/usr/lib’
following -L not found


ld: warning : directory
following -L not found

Who knows Where did this come from?

I am using xCode 3.2.5

Well, if you want to believe the text of the error message:

ld: warning: directory [...] not found

…It says the directory cannot be found. If you Google the compiler flag, you will see- L is used to specify other library search path directories. So it does not exist in the directory mentioned in the error.

You need to view the project settings somewhere in the specified given folder-it needs to be updated to the current The current directory where the version of the SDK is located.

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