JetBrains Rider 2019 for Mac (cross-platform development tool)

Jetbrains Rider 2019 Chinese version is a powerful cross-platform .Net development IDE, which can be used with .NET Framework and .NET Core, or with Mono projects. Therefore, you can use rider 2019 to create classes and libraries, web applications, standalone utilities, etc. JetBrains Rider for mac is a cross-platform .NET IDE integrated development environment, and allows you to open, edit, build, run and debug most .NET applications: desktop, web, libraries, services (except for the notable exceptions of UWP applications) ). The updated version of JetBrains Rider 2019 Chinese version supports online use, and the expiration date reaches 2089. Don’t miss it if you are interested!

JetBrains Rider cracked version software features

JetBrains Rider is a new cross-platform .NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper.
Support most .NET project types
Rider supports .NET Framework, the new cross-platform .NET Core and Mono-based projects. This allows you to develop a variety of applications, including .NET desktop applications, services and libraries, Unityyou play, Xamarin applications, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core web applications.
In addition to running and debugging multiple runtimes, Rider itself can run on multiple platforms: Windows, macOS and Linux.
Rich functions and fast speed
Rider provides more than 2200 real-time code inspections, hundreds of contextual actions and refactorings brought by ReSharper, and combines them with the solid IDE functions of IntelliJ Platform. Despite its powerful functions, Rider’s design is fast and responsive.
Code Editing
Rider’s rich editor has different types of code completion and code templates, automatic insertion of matching brackets and import instructions, quick information tool tips and binding icons for inherited navigation, contextual operations, and more. Code Analysis
Rider has more than 2200 real-time code inspections, with automatic quick repair functions, and can solve the detected problems individually or in batches. Solution-scoped error analysis will monitor code issues and let you know if there are any issues, even in files that are not currently open.
Navigation and search
You can instantly jump to any file, type or member in the code base, as well as find settings and operations. Find the usage of any symbol, or navigate from symbols to base and derived symbols, extension methods or implementations. Refactoring
Most of ReSharper’s more than 60 refactorings have been provided in Rider, and more than 450 contextual operations are there. Rename, extract methods, interfaces and classes, move and copy types, use alternative syntax and more!
Unit Test Runner
Rider can help you run and debug unit tests based on NUnit, or MSTest. You can explore the tests, group them in different ways, break them into individual sessions, view the test output and navigate from the stack trace to the source code. Debugger and more tools
Rider includes a debugger that can be used with .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core applications, allowing you to step, observe, evaluate and run cursors. Other tools include stack trace explorer, NuGet browser, VCS and database support.

JetBrains Rider Chinese version software features

New cross-platform .NET IDE
Rider can help you develop .NET, ASP.NET, .NET on Windows, Mac or Linux. NET Core, Xamarin or Unity applications. It provides rich editing support and code insight for languages ​​used in .NET development, from C#, VB.NET and F# to ASP.NET Razor syntax, JavaScript, TypeScript, XAML, XML, HTML, CSS, SCSS , JSON and SQL.
Language and project types
Rider allows you to open, edit, build, run and debug most .NET applications: desktop, web, libraries, services (except UWP applications). It also supports applications targeting Mono, such as Unity and Xamarin, as well as the latest and most powerful .NET Core applications. Rider supports many languages ​​used in .NET development, including C#, F#, VB.NET, ASP.NET (ASPX and Razor view engines), XAML, XML, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS And SQL. ReSharper + IntelliJ platform
Rider uses the UI and multiple functions of the IntelliJ platform to provide support for IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs. It is cross-platform, familiar to millions of developers, and provides core functions such as VCS and database support. Most importantly, we have added ReSharper functions: navigation and search, refactoring, code inspection, quick repair, etc. We spent more than 10 years building a feature set that helps to read, write, and navigate a large .NET code base, all of which are now available to Rider users. Designed to be smart and fast
Rider is not stuck in a 32-bit process, which helps to gain insight into your code while still remaining responsive. Rider opens (and reopens) most solutions with almost zero delay. External changes to the solution? Switch Git branch? Not a problem: the rider caught up quickly. When editing code, our first priority is to ensure that your fingers follow your fingers for fast input, not just the speed at which the IDE can process the input.
Suitable for Windows, Mac and Linux
Rider can run on multiple platforms: Windows, macOS and different varieties of Linux. If you want to edit, build, run or debug Unity or .NET Core applications on your Mac, this is your complete IDE.
Smart Code Editor
Rider provides a large number of smart code editing functions, such as different types of code completion, automatic import of namespaces, automatic insertion of braces and highlighting of matching separators, rearrangement of codes, real-time and Suffix templates, controller and action hyperlinks in ASP.NET MVC, multiple selection mode, binding icons for inheriting navigation, and quick access to refactoring, generation, navigation, and contextual operations.
Killer code analysis
Rider has more than 2200 real-time code checks to help you detect errors and code smells. More than 1000 quick fixes can be used to solve the detected problems individually or in batches: just click Alt+Enter to select one. In order to get a bird’s eye view of the errors in the project, please use the solution-wide error analysis (SWEA): it will monitor the errors in the code base and let you know if there are any problems, even if you do not open the text editor of the problematic file.
Navigation and search
Immediately jump to any file, type or member in the code base, as well as find settings and operations, all of which use common Search Everywhere shortcuts. You can find the usage of any symbol, including cross-language usage and usage in string literals. For contextual navigation, use a single “Navigate to” shortcut that will take you from the symbol to its base and derived symbols, extension methods or implementations.
Want to know how the third-party library code works? Rider is no problem: just use Go to Declaration on the library symbol and let Rider decompile the library type to C# in the regular editor tab. You can then navigate the decompiled code while navigating the source code normally, as well as find and highlight usage. But sometimes decompilation is not even needed: Rider can obtain the source code from a source server (such as the Microsoft Reference Source Center).
Most of the more than 60 refactorings of ReSharper have been provided in Rider, and more than 450 contextual operations are there. You can rename, extract methods, interfaces and classes, move and copy types, use alternative syntax and more! Find the available refactoring popup in Refactor, or use the contextual operation Alt+Enter that you can access.
Unit Testing
Rider allows you to run and debug unit tests based on NUnit, or MSTest in applications targeting .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono. Rider uses gutter icons to mark test classes and methods in the editor: click it or use the Alt+Enter menu to run, debug and manage tests. You can explore the tests, group them in different ways, break them into individual sessions, view the test output and navigate from the stack trace to the source code.
Rider includes a debugger that can be used with .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core applications. You can create multiple debugging configurations, attach to external processes, set and manage breakpoints and breakpoint conditions, single step, run repeatedly, run to the cursor, set monitors, calculate expressions, and explore threads.
Version Control
Rider works out of the box, supports Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and TFS, and supports more version control systems through plugins. In the code editor, local changes are highlighted as you type. Using the dedicated VCS tool window, you can view local, incoming and repository changes, manage the change list, shelve changes for later use, view differences, commit and push. The built-in visual merge tool can help you resolve conflicts, and Rider can even let you know if you have changed the file you are working on since the last update.
Database and SQL
You can use SQL and database without leaving Rider. Connect to the database, edit mode and table data, run queries, and even use UML diagram analysis mode. Rider’s rich SQL editor comes with syntax highlighting, smart code completion, dynamic code analysis, code formatting and navigation.
Rider takes full advantage of its roots by supporting various plug-ins developed for the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper. In addition to bundled plug-ins (such as VCS, F# and Unity-supported plug-ins), you can choose to install more plug-ins according to your needs: When you open a file supported by a plug-in that you don’t use, Rider will suggest you to install it. For example, you can use plugins that support Markdown, .gitignore files, and Python scripts.
Code Analysis
Rider has more than 2,200 real-time code inspections, with automatic quick repair functions, and can solve the detected problems individually or in batches. Solution-scoped error analysis will monitor code issues and let you know if there are any issues, even in files that are not currently open. Code editing
Rider’s rich editor has different types of code completion and code templates, automatic insertion of matching brackets and import instructions, quick information tool tips and binding icons for inherited navigation, contextual operations, and more. Refactoring
Most of ReSharper’s more than 60 refactorings have been provided in Rider, and more than 450 contextual operations are there. Rename, extract methods, interfaces and classes, move and copy types, use alternative syntax and more!
Unit Test Runner
Rider can help you run and debug unit tests based on NUnit, or MSTest. You can explore the tests, group them in different ways, break them into individual sessions, view the test output and navigate from the stack trace to the source code. Debugger and more tools
Rider includes a debugger that can be used with .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core applications, allowing you to step, observe, evaluate and run cursors. Other tools include stack trace explorer, NuGet browser, and VCS and database support. Database and SQL
Use SQL and database without leaving Rider. Connect to the database, edit mode and table data, run queries, and even use UML diagram analysis mode.
Navigation and search
Immediately jump to any file, type or member in the code base, and quickly find settings and operations. Find the usage of any symbol, or navigate from symbols to base and derived symbols, extension methods or implementations. Front-end technology
Rider has built-in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS and Sass support. Take advantage of the refactoring, debugging and unit testing functions included in WebStorm. Scalability
Rider supports various plug-ins developed for ReSharper and IntelliJ platforms. In addition to bundled plugins (such as plugins supported by VCS, F# and Unity), plugins that support Markdown, .gitignore files and Python scripts are also provided.

What’s new in the Chinese version of JetBrains Rider

What’s new in rider 2019?
Rider 2019 supports publishing to IIS, adding Docker support for the debugger, integrating built-in spell checking, support Code coverage and continuous testing on Windows, and learn how to use it with the MacBook Touch Bar. This version provides complete C# 7.3 support, better Unity support, better code completion, refined solution explorer, etc.
1. Debugger enhancement Rider now displays the call stack using modern C# features in an understandable way, including generic types, async function names, constructors, static methods and other type information. We added thread-specific breakpoints to simplify debugging of multi-threaded code. You can edit the breakpoint (using the context menu) and only suspend on a specific thread. The breakpoint is only triggered when the breakpoint is reached in the specific thread you are interested in. The debugger also includes some other updates:-unsafe supports inspection and extended pointers. -Smart Step Into can now correctly handle methods that use the [DebuggerStepThrough] attribute modification. -Debugger.NotifyOfCrossThreadDependency is supported. -We have added an option to automatically refresh all monitors in the debugger tool window when each debugger is paused. -Types in the “Memory View” window are now formatted with C# style instead of CLR style
2. Publishing to IIS or FTPRider introduces two new running configurations: publishing to IIS and publishing to a custom server. Both are used to deploy our ASP.NET Core web application to a local or remote server, but they use different methods to do this:-Publish to IIS Use MSBuild and MSDeploy to package and publish our application. This type of running configuration can deploy our ASP.NET Core Web applications to local and remote IIS and Kudu (Azure Web Apps), and create MSDeploy packages. Publish the configuration file as a .pubxml file. -Publish to a custom server Use MSBuild and Rider’s built-in tools to upload our application artifacts. This running configuration type supports the use of FTP and FTPS/SFTP to get our application. It is supported on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. -Currently, only ASP.NET Core Web projects are supported. In addition, deploying to IIS using the “Publish to IIS” run configuration type can only run on Windows.
3. Docker support has arrived. The debugger Rider now supports debugging ASP.NET Core applications in a local (Linux) Docker container. Attaching the debugger to the Docker container helps to verify our application locally in the Linux Docker container, which should be very similar to production. Just like debugging on our local machine, Rider allows inspecting variables, stack frames and threads, as well as stepping through our own code and decompiled third-party code. Currently, ASP.NET Core web applications can only be debugged on Linux Docker containers. Although Rider allows debugging of containers built from Dockerfile, it does not yet support debugging containers created with Docker compose (docker-compose.yml).
4.Solution Explorer redesigned the new toolbar so that we can easily switch options to display all files, which will display all other files that are not part of the project model (highlighted in brown). The next two buttons allow us to synchronize the solution explorer and editor. Auto-scrolling to the source will display the selected file in the editor, and auto-scrolling from the source will select the file as we navigate from one file to another. In addition to the solution view, Rider 2019 also introduces the file system view, which shows the actual file system structure under the solution file. Items marked as not indexed will be excluded from index-based features such as global text search or to-do index. We also merged the temporary view into the solution and file system view to make it easier to access recently created temporary files. We have added a dialog to make it easier to configure custom file nesting. They also use SDK-based project files and the old format without any further requirements. With Rider 2019, file nesting can also be applied by using drag and drop in files that should be nested into the new parent file. With the latest version, you can also choose to always show folders, which may be a more natural way of presentation for some of us.
5. Code completion improvements Rider now uses ReSharper’s statistical-based scoring algorithm to provide code completion. One of the key aspects is that Rider can now track the number of recommended uses for a given code. The more suggestions you use, the more likely they are to appear in code completion. We have expanded the code completion to several places where you can get help from Rider: scratch files, debugger watch, and C# Interactive. Just like writing code in regular C# or VB.NET files, Rider provides code completion and method information and parameter prompt pop-up windows. When you are trying to access a member of a pointer type in an unsafe context, we also added a convenient feature, and -> must use an operator instead of. (Dot). To help prevent unsafe code, Rider will detect it when we use the wrong operator, and when we complete the code, the correct code will be used.
6. Unit test coverage and continuous testing Every time Rider is released, we will try our best to bridge the gap between Rider and ReSharper Ultimate bundles. The most popular feature is definitely Rider + dotCover; points. In addition, Rider 2019 has unit test code coverage and supports continuous testing. dotCover is provided as a bundled plugin of Rider and is automatically installed with Rider. All key features are available:-“Classic” unit test code coverage analysis using Coverage Tree and code highlighting. The look and feel of all content is exactly the same as Visual Studio using ReSharper Ultimate. -Continuous testing in Rider is no different from ReSharper Ultimate. Just enable it for the desired session, change the code, build or save the project (depending on preferences). Please note that only Windows is currently supported. Support for Mono is still ongoing and is not included in 2019.
7. One of the most missing features in the template browser ReSharper was finally added to Rider. Now, you can manage, add or modify in the Rider settings under Editor|. Real-time/Surround/File Templates. Please note that the creation of multi-file templates is not yet supported.
8. MacBook Touch Bar support Like other JetBrains IDEs, Rider also supports MacBook Touch Bar. You can perform a large number of operations directly from the touch bar: run, build and debug the project, submit changes, and update the project. Context-dependent buttons are displayed in an application-specific area in the middle of the Touch Bar interface. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the “Touch Bar” context and buttons under “Preferences” | | Menu and Toolbar | Touch Bar page. In addition, you can make the Rider title bar darker on macOS (Preferences|Appearance and Behavior|Appearance|Select Use Dark Window Title). In addition, Rider also comes with a brand new icon. The main goal of these new, cleaner icons is to reduce visual clutter and increase the readability of toolbars and tool windows.
9. C# 7.3 support Rider finally supports all the functions of the latest C# 7.3:-Initialization and query of declaration expression. -Tuples are equal. -Ref allocation. -Unmanaged, System.Delegate and System.Enum constraints. -Stackalloc array initializer. -Fixed statements based on patterns. -Index can move fixed buffer. In addition to supporting syntax, we have also added new checks and appropriate quick fixes to make your code compatible with C# 7.3.
10. Front-end development function TypeScript support has been improved, and now supports all language functions of the latest TypeScript 2.9/3.0 version. In addition, Rider now provides more quick fixes provided by the TypeScript language service itself. The following features have also been added:-Extract and transform React components. -New integration with Angular CLI. -Complete the activities in Vue.js. -Act a bunch of Alt-Enter combo menus in a new context, for example, implement an interface, create a derived class, implement a member of an interface or abstract class, switch in the generated case, and use iteration for..of.
11. Use ReSpeller for integrated spell checking. This version comes with the ReSpeller extension, which provides out-of-the-box spell checking. Like code analysis, ReSpeller scans for spelling errors and spelling errors in identifiers, comments, string text, etc., and provides quick fixes to solve each detected problem. By default, ReSpeller has enabled many languages ​​supported by Rider. The easy way to enable/disable a single check and change the severity it detects is to search for “spelling errors” in the settings (you will eventually go to “Preferences” | “Editor” | “Check Settings” | “Check Critical). Then We can call the Alt + Enter menu, where ReSpeller provides us with several options for fixing errors. In the menu, we can fix spelling errors or add new words to ReSpeller’s dictionary. By default, the spelling checker comes with English ( US) built-in dictionary. It uses a Hunspell-based dictionary, which means you can install other languages ​​as needed.
12. Unit testing In this version, we have added several new features and made some optimizations:- Discovering and running tests in SDK-style projects has become faster.-A new lock/unlock icon has been added to the unit test session toolbar, and now you can lock the unit test session to prevent adding more tests.-Now even in Tests can also be run and debugged on Mono on Windows.-You can open the “Unit Test Explorer” window from the “Navigate to” menu-Unit test related operations have been added to the default key mapping.
13.NuGet supports Rider NuGet support in 2019 includes filter and format customization in NuGet logs, as well as advanced diagnostics, which can help you understand what happens when problems occur in NuGet packages. In addition, we have added support for AutoReferenced packages and TLS-only packages. 1.2- NuGet feed support. Support for project.json projects has been discontinued, because such projects are outdated, we think it’s time to move forward.
14.C# interactive update in Knight 2019, a new one The reference in C# interactive context menu is available for projects and components. It does exactly what it says: refer to the selected project or assembly in C# Interactive. Rider will generate the load statement for us and execute it immediately. In The C# interactive tool window also has its own toolbar button to help refer to the project in the current solution. Rider now supports attaching the debugger to C# Interactive, and executes ourselves step by step when calling from C# Interactive Code. No longer need to write console applications or unit tests to quickly debug code snippets. All we have to do is to refer to our project and start debugging with C# Interactive!
15.F# Support file templates are now available Used in F# projects, generating files with boilerplate code is now as easy as in C#. FSharp.Compiler.Service has been updated to receive multiple F#4.5 features/changes, the most notable of which are:- Span support.-match! keywords. Last but not least Importantly, interoperability with C# projects has been improved, including the following F#4.1 features:-StructRecords and the annotation Unions. -Implied Module suffix.
16. Improved Unity support Rider’s excellent Unity support has become even better! We have introduced full support for Unity Assembly Definition Files (.asmdef): JSON schema verification, code completion, search usage, rename refactoring, navigation on reference elements, AsmDef file templates and use for self-referencing and file name/ The check/quick fix assembly name does not match. In addition, Rider now supports Roslyn C# compiler response file (csc.rsp). When Unity gains focus in playback mode, we added an option to disable Unity Reload Assembles (only for Unity before 2019, because 2019 itself has Same options). From now on, you can directly open the Unity Editor/Player log in Rider. There are operations that can be used to filter and collapse similar log entries. The analysis of all command codes provided under the cog menu in the Unity Log tool window has been significantly improved. There are many new checks and corresponding quick fixes to improve your unified code. We have done a lot of bug fixes, the most notable of which is the invalid warning type == NULL unity. In addition to all this, the support for debugging remote players has been improved, and the package and scratch nodes have been added to the unified explorer.
17. Other features can use the new Generate GUID operation. -We have introduced initial support for .ruleset files. Read the settings from the editor settings and project settings by going to File | Settings | Edit | Check the settings and check the check box. -No longer ignore the settings in stylecop.json and take them into account during the analysis. -VCS support now has several new features, such as: easier way to resolve merge conflicts with the new “Merge Conflict” node, enhanced in the “VCS Log” tab, and explore the repository based on any given revision status. -It is now possible to specify custom tools for file extensions in “Settings”. -We have added more colors to the IntelliSense of parameter information pop-up and summary prompts in C# and VB.NET- When generating the setting icon, please click the build tool window on the toolbar to cause your setting page to be built, executed, Deployment | Toolset and build. -A runtime parameter field has been added to the .NET related templates in the run/debug configuration to pass custom parameters to the runtime. -The “Rerun” operation is now available on the “Find User” tab.

System requirements for rider 2019 for mac Chinese version

System requirements for macOS 10.8.3 or higher, a minimum of 2 GB RAM, 4 GB RAM, 1024×768 minimum screen resolution is recommended

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