MacOS – OS X Push Notification using PARSE

I have been trying to find a way to integrate push notifications on OS X with Parse. This is a long and tedious process, so please be patient while explaining my situation.

This post explains that the current push notifications are not natively supported on OS X. However, it does mention that I can implement Parse somehow through their REST API. On Parse’s forum Someone also posted and gave the same answer.

I tried following the REST API documentation here and here, and also following Parse’s iOS SDK push documentation. I have implemented my own version of the PFInstallation class, also There are some other methods that are handled in the PFObject class to allow the data to be synchronized with Parse and succeed. I can now synchronize with the deviceToken Parse I get when I call the registerForRemoteNotifications method.

However, I am now trying to get from Parse The stage at which the dashboard sends push notifications (also tried to send test push notifications via REST API) and the notification APNs certificate cannot be sent because Parse does not have my Mac OS X. I can only find a way to upload the iOS APNs certificate, which obviously doesn’t Applies to my Mac application.

In short, can Parse push notifications be integrated into Mac OS X applications? I have tried looking for other answers, and in the end it just stated that Parse Push API is not available on Mac (because it is not supported?), you should try to use REST API (I have tried, but can’t, because I have no way to specify mine Mac APNs certificate).

Thank you very much for reading this article; I hope someone has the answer! If anyone answers why Parse does not support Mac OS X push notifications, I would also like to know why! Or, if there are any other great Mac OS X push notification providers, this would be great!

Now use the latest SDK to fully support it.
Read our blog: http:/ /

I have been trying to find a way to integrate push notifications on OS X with Parse. This is a long and tedious process, so please be patient while explaining my situation.

This post explains that the current push notifications are not natively supported on OS X. However, it does Mentioned that I can implement Parse somehow through their REST API. Someone also posted on Parse’s forum and gave the same answer.

I tried following the REST API documentation here and here, At the same time, I also follow Parse’s iOS SDK push documentation. I have implemented my own version of the PFInstallation class, and some other methods are processed in the PFObject class to allow data to be synchronized with Parse and succeed. I can now call the registerForRemoteNotifications method with Parse.

However, I am now in the stage of trying to send push notifications from the Parse dashboard (also trying to send test push notifications via REST API) and I can’t because Parse doesn’t have my Mac OS X Send notification APNs certificate. I can only find a way to upload iOS APNs certificate, which obviously does not apply to my Mac application.

In short, can Parse push notifications be integrated into Mac OS X applications? middle? I have tried looking for other answers, and in the end it just stated that Parse Push API is not available on Mac (because it is not supported?), you should try to use REST API (I have tried, but can’t, because I have no way to specify mine Mac APNs certificate).

Thank you very much for reading this article; I hope someone has the answer! If anyone answers why Parse does not support Mac OS X push notifications, I would also like to know why! Or, if there are any other great Mac OS X push notification providers, this would be great!

Now use the latest SDK to fully support it.
Read our blog: -push-for-os-x/

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