MacOS – I installed DOT NET CORE on the Mac, but did not find the “DOTNET” command

Today I just downloaded “dotnet-dev-osx-x64.1.0.0-preview1-002702.pkg” and installed it. Then I tried “dotnet” on the terminal The command did not print out.

I also tried Spotlight search, but I didn’t seem to get anything.

Where is this package installed?

The key is that you need to find the file dotnet.exe, and then create a new Symbolic link to create A new shortcut is linked to the dotnet.exe file in the usr/local/bin folder. Sometimes you will see this error “/usr/local/bin // dotnet: File exists”, which means that the folder The link already exists (and is usually a wrong link) to fix you need to go to the folder​​and delete the link.

After finding the dotnet.exe file, in my case It is located in the’/usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet’ folder. Use this command to create a new symbolic link for it:

ln -s /usr/local/share / dotnet / dotnet /usr/local/bin /

Done! You can run the “dotnet” command now… I hope it helps

Today I just downloaded “dotnet-dev-osx-x64.1.0.0-preview1- 002702.pkg” and installed it. After that, I tried the “dotnet” command on the terminal, but it didn’t print.

I also tried Spotlight search and it seemed to get nothing.

< p>Where is this package installed?

The key is that you need to find the file dotnet.exe, and then create a new Symbolic link to create a new shortcut link to usr/local/bin The dotnet.exe file in the folder. Sometimes you will see this error “/usr/local/bin // dotnet: File exists”, which means that the link already exists in the folder (and usually a wrong link ) To fix you need to go to the folder​​and delete the link.

After finding the dotnet.exe file, in my case, it is located at’/usr/local/share/ dotnet / dotnet’ folder. Use this command to create a new symbolic link for it:

ln -s /usr/local/share / dotnet / dotnet /usr/local/bin /

Done! You can run the “dotnet” command now… I hope it helps

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