Installation system ——- Understand common start-up mode and how to enter BIOS

1. Boot from the hard disk:
This method provides the simplest maintenance solution. The basic principle is to add a system startup item. At any time, you can choose whether to enter the local system or enter the PE.

The installation program does not regard the startup item of PE as the default startup item, but provides a startup item selection interface with waiting time. During this time, you have the opportunity to choose to enter the PE toolbox (press the up and down arrow keys to select),

If this time is missed, the computer will automatically enter the local system. If you miss this time unfortunately, you have to restart again and choose. This time is 3 seconds by default. Of course, you can modify this time during installation. It can be long or short. Generally, the waiting time is set to no more than 5 seconds to respond.

2. Boot from U disk, mobile hard disk, CD:
These three booting methods are all booting from removable media. The method is to let the BIOS boot from the removable media when booting.

It can be achieved in two ways: 1. Enter the BIOS settings and let the first boot of the computer be the removable medium.


The second method is recommended. The advantage of this method is that the computer does not need to try to move the media every time, so that it will be faster to enter the system when PE is not used. We only need to boot from the removable media every time we use PE.

3. What is BIOS?

BIOS is the abbreviation of “Basic Input Output System” in English, and the Chinese name is ” Basic input and output system”

An industry-standard firmware interface, which is a set of ROM chip programs that are solidified on the motherboard of the computer, and stores the most important basic input and output programs.

The first software loaded when the personal computer starts, the self-check program after booting and the system self-starting program, can read and write the specific information of the system settings from the CMOS

The BIOS provides some systems to the working system Parameters, system hardware changes are hidden by the BIOS, and the program uses BIOS functions instead of directly controlling the hardware.

The main function is: Provide the computer with the lowest and most direct hardware settings and control

The main storage in BIOS: 1. Self-diagnosis program 2. CMOS setting program 3. System boot loader 4. Main I/O device driver and interrupt service

Main program: Interrupt example program System settings Power-on self-inspection Self-inspection procedures

Look at the introduction on Baidu


4. How different computers enter the BIOS

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