Disk partition and formatting

Common disks include CDs, U disks, hard disks, floppy disks, tape drives and other disks. The disks are formatted at a low level when they leave the factory to divide the logical structure of the disk, divide tracks, sectors, and disk attributes. Etc.

Disk partition

Partition: partition Create multiple independent file systems

MBR: master boot record Master boot record:

Track 0 sector 0 512bytes: 446bytes: bootloader

: magic number identifies whether MBR is valid

Disk partition formatting:

/bin, /sbin: binary program, /bin command used by ordinary users, /sbin management Commands used by the operator; programs needed to run the operating system itself
/usr/bin, /usr/sbin: binary programs, basic system tools
/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin : Third-party program;
mail< br>cache
/proc: kernel image
/sys: hardware information
/opt :
/boot: boot directory, kernel
/home /USERNAME, /root:
/dev :
Device type:
b: random device
c: linear device
hard disk device: random access device
I/O, I /O Controller The integrated chip is called the controller
I/O Adapter The non-integrated chip is called the adapter.
IDE, ATA: Parallel, 133MBPS = 133/8 Mb/s
SCSI: small computer system interface, UItraSCSI 320MBPS = 320/8MB/s
1000 0,15000RPM Parallel
SATA: Serail, 300MBPS, 600MBPS, 6GBPS Bus speed Serial
USB: (1.1, 2.0, 3.0) Serial

USB3.0 480MBPS

SSD: Solid-State Disk is also commonly used to connect to SATA port or USB port

Linux, /dev/
IDE, ATA: /dev/hd[az]
IDE: Master, Slave
The first IDE controller connects to the hard disk,
The second IDE controller connects to the optical drive, hdc
SCSI, SAS, SATA, USB: /dev/sd[az]
/dev/sda, /dev/sdb

File system: usually provided by the kernel
windows :

To format a partition is to create a file system
RAW : Raw device
Low-level format: Create disk, divide track
Advanced format: Create file system
MBR: Master Boot Record
512bytes :
446bytes: bootloader
64bytes: Partition table, where each 16bytes identifies a partition
2bytes: a magic number that identifies whether the current hard disk is bootable

Extended partition:
divide into logical partitions again

fdisk, sfdisk , part
fdisk <= 15 partition
fdisk -l [DEVICE]
fdisk [DEVICE]
Interactive command:
d: delete a partition
n: create a new partition< br>p: Display the current partition status
w: Save and exit
q: Exit without saving
l: System ID corresponding to each partition type
83: linux
82: linux swap
8e: LVM logical volume
fd: soft raid
t: modify Specify the System ID of the partition

fdisk -l /dev/sda

Check the partition information recognized by the kernel: cat /proc/partitions
Let the kernel re-detect and read the hardware disk partition Table: partprobe

A warning appears, no problem on Red Hat 5, restart on Red Hat 6
RHEL6 let the kernel re-read the hard disk partition table:
partx -a [partitions] DEVICE clear Add one or all disks

Next, format the partition to create a file system
linux, mkfs
mkfs -t fstype /dev/part

RHEL5: default ext3
RHEL6: default ext4

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda3
blkid dev/sda3: display device uuid and file system type

mkfs -t ext4 = mkfs.ext4 = mke2fs -t ext4
mkfs -t ext3 = mkfs.ext3 = mke2fs -j = mke2fs -t ext3

mkfs -t ext2 = mkfs.ext2 = mke2fs = mke2fs -t ext2

Configuration file: /etc/mke2fs.conf: used to set default features and file system-specific features;

mke2fs -t {ext2|ext3| ext4}
-b {1024|2048|4096}: Block size
The block size depends on the CPU’s support for the memory page frame size. The default page frame size of the x86 system is 4K;
-L label: set Volume label
-m #: The proportion of the total space reserved for management use
-r #: Adjust the number of blocks reserved for management
-E: Adjust the file system extended attributes

vim /etc/mke2fs.conf can define the file type

To display the block size:
tune2fs -l /dev/sda3 | grep’Block size’
-l: display File system super block information
-L label: set volume label
-m: set the proportion of the total space occupied by reserved management blocks
-r #: adjust the number of reserved management blocks
-o: set default Mount options
-O: Set the default characteristics of the file system
-E: Adjust the file system extended attributes

e2label: Display or set the volume label
d2label DEVICE [Volume_label]< br>
mke2fs -t ext3 -b 1024 -L MYDATA /dev/sda3

tune2fs -l /dev/sda3 | grep’Reserved’: reserved block size

Mount: mount
mount [-t fstype] DEVICE MOUNT_POINT
mount [-t fstype] LABEL=”volume label” MOUNT_POINT

mount: all devices mounted on the current system

umount DEVICE

After mounting, the original data will be hidden, so it cannot be mounted on the common directory of the system.
When uninstalling, make sure that no process is accessing The mounted device, otherwise, it cannot be unmounted

Track: Track
Sector: Sector
Cylinder: Cylinder

/etc/fstab: The system will automatically mount when it is turned on Loaded file system:

FileSystem: a software, implemented in the kernel
Linux: vfs(virtual file system)
ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, jfs,reiserfs, vfat, GFS, GFS2, OCFS2

mount -t fstype [options] DEVICE MOUNT_POINT
device File: /dev/sda1, /dev/hdb2
Volume label: LABEL=”label”
UUID: UUID=”uuid”

blkid PARTITION< /p>

mkfs -t [fstype] PARTITION
Key points: 1. The file system must be supported before it can be used, that is, the corresponding kernel module of the kernel, or it has been integrated into the kernel
2. There must be corresponding File system creation tool, this is usually m kfs.fstype

mkfs -t ext2 = mkfs.ext2 = mke2fs
mkfs -t ext3 = mkfs.ext3 = mke2fs -j = mke2fs -t ext3
mkfs -t ext4 = mkfs. ext4 = mke2fs -t ext4

mkfs -t xfs = mkfs.xfs

-b< br>-E



-o: used to specify mount options, commonly used mounts Options
ro: mount read-only
rw: read-write, the default is read-write
moatime: turn off update access time
auto: whether it can be mounted by “mount -a”
defaults: equivalent to rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, async, and relatime
sync: synchronous write
async: asynchronous write
dev: allow device files to be enabled
remount: Remount
loop: local loopback device

mount -o remount,other_options DEVICE

cdrom –>sr0
cdrom –> hdc

mount -o loop,other_options DEVICE MOUNT_POINT: Used to mount the loopback device

-n: When mounting the file system, do not update the /etc/mtab file
-r: equivalent to “”- o ro”, read-only mount

fuser /media/
fuser -km /media/
umount /media/

fuser [MOUNT_POINT]: View the Mount point process
fuser -km [MOUNT_POINT]: Forcefully kill the process that is accessing the secondary mount point

Mounted device:
device file, Volume label, uuid
Mount point:
File system type: ext2,ext3,…
Mount options: defaults means to use default options, multiple options Separate by comma
Dump frequency: dump
0: Never backup
1: Daily backup
2: Backup every other day
Self-check sequence:
0: No Detection
1: The first detection: Generally only the root file system is the first detection
mount -a: Mount /etc/fstab All support auto mount options File system

Linux swap partition: swap

It must be an independent partition, independent file system
How big is the swap partition?
Scientific computing server: swap memory is OK As large as possible, such as 2 times the physical memory
application server, the swap memory is as small as possible, such as only 1G

Physical memory is less than 2G, swap=memory*2
2Gmemory>4G, swap=4G

How to check the memory size
-m: Convert to MB
-g: Converted to GB
shared: shared memory
buffer: buffer
cache: cache
Create swap partition:
mkswap DEVICE

Enable swap partition:
swapon DEVICE : Enable the specified swap partition
swapon -a: Enable all swap partitions
Disable the swap partition:
swapoff DEVICE
swapoff -a
Automatically enable the swap partition at boot, which can be defined in /etc/fstab
DEVICE swap swap defaults 0 0
Mount point: swap
File system: swap

SysV style network service script
# service network restart
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start
# /etc/init.d/network

vim service.sh

srvname=`basename $0`

if [$# -lt 1 ]; then
echo ” Usage:$srvname {start|stop|r estart|status}”
exit 3

if [$1 ==’start’ ]; then
if [-e $lockFile ]; then
echo “$ srvname is running…”
touch $LockFile &> /dev/null
echo “Start $srvname successfully.”
elif [$1 ==’stop’] ; then
if [-e $lockFile ]; then
rm -f $lockFile &> /dev/null
echo “Stopping $srvname finished.”
echo “$srvname is stopped.”
elif [$1 =’restart’ ]; then
rm -f $lockFile $> /dev/null
touch $LockFile &> /dev/null
echo “Restarting $srvname finished.”
elif [$1 =’status’ ]; then
if [-e $lockFile ]; then
echo “$srvname is running.”
echo “$srvname is stopped.”
echo “Usage:$srvname {start|stop|restart|status}”
exit 4

< p>File system:
rootfs: Root file system
Leaf node: File


Partition: mkfs, mke2fs
mkfs -t xfs
Advanced formatting: Create a file system
file system, manage files, and realize file access by name;
File system: Located in the kernel
System calls

The 0th sector of the disk, the front of the disk is
MBR : Master Boot Record to boot the operating system of the entire disk
446: bootloader
64: 16*4 file partition table
2: 5A bootable

Boot block: 1024bytes , The first two sectors, the operating system on which partition is the boot block to boot

index: Store in the index: size, permission, owner, group, timestamp, corresponding disk block, block pointer,
Small files use block pointers, large files use second-level pointers, and larger files use third-level pointers
Each entry is called inode (index node), and the stored data is called metadata: MetaData inode number< br>The entries have a number called inode. Each entry is 128 bytes.
/ The root is self-referenced.
In order to avoid the full table scan to find free disk blocks, use bitmap
block bitmap
inode bitmap


block group: block group
100w: 5w blocks, 20 groups;
block group 0 bytes after the 1024th byte are called super Block

Super Block; GDT; Block Bitmap; inodeBitmap; InodeTable; DataBlocks
Super Block is not included in every block group, but there are backups in some groups, generally 0, 1, 3,5,7,9

GDT: group description table

tune2fs -l
Display super block information
dumpe2fs: Output ext file system information
-h : You can also display superblock information
du: disk usage
-s: summary, display the sum of the sizes of all files in a specified path
-h: human-readable
df: disk free disk The amount of free space
-l: display only local file system
-h: human-readable
-P: display in posix compatible style
-i: display inode usage information instead of 1k block< /p>

Delete, move, copy

Link file:
Hard link: For example, two different paths to the same inode
ls -l: The second paragraph shows Number refers to the number of times the file has been hard-linkedFeatures:
Cannot be used across partitions;
Cannot create hard links to directories;
Delete the original file path, which does not affect the use of linked files.
All files point to the same inode, so they are the same A file

soft link, symbolic link, symblc link
ls -l: display the file of file type 1
Test whether the file is a symbolic link file in bash, use
-L or -h
Not limited by partition;
Can create directories;
Delete the original file, the link file will not be used
The link file and the source file point to different inodes, so, Not the same file

ln [-s] SRC_FILE LINK_FILE: with -s to create a symbolic link file, without -s to create a hard link file
-v: verbose: show the detailed process


ext file system: extended attributes
chattr +|-|= [options]
i: read only
a: only appends

file compression , Decompress, archive
Compression format: gz, bz2, xz, zip, Z

Compression algorithm: different algorithms, the compression ratio will be different

compress: FILENAME.Z

gzip: .gz
gzip /PATH/TO/SOMEFILE: The original file will be deleted after the compression is complete
-d: Uncompress
-#: 1-9 , Specify the compression ratio, the default is 6:

gunzip: gunzip /PATH/TO/SOME_FILE.gz: The original file will be deleted after the decompression is complete
zcat /PATH/TO/SOMEFILE.gz: No decompression In the case of, check the content of the text file

bzip2: .bz2
Compression tool with a larger compression ratio than gzip
-#: 1-9, the default is 6
-k: Keep the original file when compressing

bunzip2 /path/to/somefile.bz2

xz: .xz< br>xz /PATH/TO/SOMEFILE
-#: 1-9, the default is 6
-k: keep the original file when compressing
xzdec can also be solved Compress

zip: A tool for both archiving and compression
zip FILENAME.zip FILE1 FILE2 …: Do not delete the original file after compression
unzip FILENAME.zip

tar: archive tool.tar
-c: create archive file
-f FILE.tar: manipulate archive file
-x: expand archive
–xattrs: keep it when archiving The extended attribute information of the file
-t: Do not expand the archive, check which files are archived

-C: Expand to the specified directory

tar -xf file.tar -C / tmp/files

xzcat: View content without decompression

-zcf: Archive and call gzip compression
-zxf: Call gzip to decompress and expand archive

-jcf: bzip2
-jxf :

-Jcf: xz
-Jxf :

cpio: archiving tool

IDE or SATA hard disk attribute management tool:
# hdparm

Supplementary command:
dd: convert and copy a file
copy: copy files
dd: copy 0 1 of the underlying code< br>dd if=/path/to/src_file source file
of=/path/to/dst_file target file
bs=1024 | 2k copy 1024 byte block size
count=2 copy two Blocks

dd if=/var/file of=/tmp/file
It is not necessary to copy, how many bytes can be copied

MBR backup
dd if=/ dev/sda of=/root/sda_mbr.backup bs=512 count=1 MBR backup

dd if=/sda_mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1

< p>dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/testfile bs=4k count=1024

/dev/zero: 0 generator
/dev/null: bit bucket

Exercise: Write a script
From the keyboard Let the user enter several files, the script can archive these files and compress them into one file
read :
-p: PROMPT gives a prompt

2 #
3 read -p “input three files” FILE1 FILE2 FILE3
4 read -p “Destination:” DEST
5 read -p “Compress[gzip|bzip2|xz]” COMP
7 case $COMP in
8 gzip)
9 tar -zcvf ${DEST}.tar.gz $FILE1 $FILE2 $FILE3 ;;
10 bzip2)
11 tar- jcvf ${DEST}.tar.bz2 $FILE1 $FILE2 $FILE3 ;;
12 xz)
13 tar -cf ${DEST}.tar $FILE1 $FILE2 $FILE3
14 xz ${DEST }.tar
15 *)
16 echo “Unknown”
17 exit 9
18 esac

while loop: suitable for Scenario with unknown number of loops
while CONDITION; do


Judging whether the hadoop user is logged in every 5 seconds< br>#!/bin/bash
who | grep’hadoop’ &> /dev/null

while [$RETVAL -ne 0 ]; do
sleep 5
who | grep’hadoop’ &> /dev/null

echo “hadoop is logged in”

Write a script:
1) Show a menu to the user:
d|D) show disk usages.
m|M) show memory usages.
s|S) show swap usages .
*) quit.
2) When the user gives the option, the corresponding content will be displayed;

When the user chooses to complete, after displaying the corresponding information, do not exit; instead, let the user select again and display the corresponding content again; except that the user uses quit;

raid and mdadm
IDE: 133Mbps parallel
SATA: 300Mbps, 600Mbps, 6Gbps serial
USB 3.0: yes 480Mbps serial
SCSI: Small Computer System Interface
10K, 15K Parallel
SAS: 2.5 inches

RAID: Redund ant Arrays of Independent Disks
Level: It only means that the disk organization is different, there is no distinction between upper and lower;
0: Stripe performance improvement: read, write
no redundancy (redundancy capability)
Space utilization: nS
at least 2 disks
1: Mirror performance: write performance decline, Improved read performance
Redundancy capability
Space utilization: 1/2
At least 2 disks
4: Check code
5: Take turns to verify performance: Read, write improved
Redundancy capability is available
Space utilization rate: (n-1)/n
At least 3 disks
10 Performance: Both read and write are improved
Redundancy capability is available
Space Utilization rate 1/2
At least 4 disks
01 Performance: Read, write improved
Redundancy capability is available
Space utilization rate 1/2
At least 4 disks
50 Performance: Read, write improved
Redundancy capability is available
Space utilization (n-2)/n
At least 6 disks
jbod: Multiple disks connected into one disk
Performance Performance: No improvement
Redundancy: No
100% space utilization
At least 2 blocks

Hardware RAID
Software RAID

Logical RIAD:

md: kernel module
mdadm: make any block device into RAID
mode command:
create mode
-C< br>Special options
-l: level
-n: number of devices
-a: automatically create device files for it
-c: CHUNK size 2^n, default is 64K
-x #: Specify the number of free disks
Management mode
–add, –remove, –fail

Monitor mode
Growth mode
Assembly mode
View the detailed information of the RAID array
mdadm -D /dev/md#
— detail

2G :
4: 512MB
2: 1G

mdadm -C /dev/,d0

RAID1< br>2G :
2: 2G

mdadm -C /dev/md0 -a yes -l 0 -n 2 /dev/sda{5,6}

cat /proc/mdstat

Disable the array
mdadm -S /dev/mad0

mdadm -A /dev/md1 /dev/sda7 /dev /sda9

Remove the wrong disk
mdadm /dev/md1 -r /dev/sda8

Assemble into a new disk
mdadm /dev/md1 -a /dev /sda9

watch: periodically execute the specified command, and display the result in full screen
-n #: specify the period length, the default unit is seconds, the default is 2
format: watch- n #’COMMAND’

Save the current RAID information to the configuration file for later assembly:
mdamd -D –scan> /etc/mdadm.conf

mdadm -S /etc/md0 disable

mdadm -A /etc/md0 enable

2G: 3, 1G

Usually used RAID10

Mirror, mirror, checksum

MD: Multi
mdadm: user space tool, management tool

meta device

DM: Device Mapper
Logical device


fdisk /dev/sda
Create two new disks, 8e: LVM format
partprobe /dev/sda

pvcreate /dev/ sda{10,11} Create PE

pvs or pvdisplay display created PE

vgcreate, vgremove,

create vg : vgcreate myvg /dev/sda{10,11}

vgcreate VG_NAME /PATH/TO/PV
-s#: PE size, default is 4MB
vgcreate myvgs -s 8M /dev /sda{10,11}

Shrink vg, remove a pv
pvmove /dev/sda11 remove data on pv

vgreduce myvg /dev/sda11

Erase pv
pvremove /dev/sda11

Add pv
pvcreate /dev/sda11
vgextend myvg /dev/sda11

lv< br>lvcreate, lvremove, lvextend

lvcreate -n LV_NAME -L #G VG_NAME
lvcreate -L 50M -n testlv myvg
lvs, lvdisplay,
Format after creation
mke2fs -j /dev//myvg/testlv

mount /dev/myvg/testlv /mnt
ls /mnt displays a new Partition

Remove a logical volume
lvremove /dev/myvg/testlv

1. Extending the logical volume does not affect data:
-L [+ ]# /PATH/TO/LV Physical Boundary

resize2fs -p /PATH/TO/LV Logical Boundary

2. Reducing the logical volume does not affect the data
Note: 1. Cannot be online Reduce, uninstall first
2.Ensure that the reduced space size can still store all the original data;
3.Before shrinking, you should force check the file to ensure that the file system is in a consistent state;
1, df -lh

2, e2fsck -f /dev/myvg/testlv

3, resize2fs /PATH/TO/LV 2G

lvreduce -L [-]# /PATH/TO/LV

3. Snapshot volume 1. The life cycle is the entire data duration. During this duration, the amount of data growth cannot exceed the snapshot volume Size; 2. The snapshot volume should be read-only; 3. It is in the same volume group as the original volume; lvcreate -sp r|wlvcreate -L # -n SLV_NAME -s -pr /PATH/TO/LV

< /p>

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