Virtual server hardware requirements

We decided to adopt a virtualization solution for some of our development servers. I know what the hardware specifications will look like if we buy a separate physical server, but I don’t know how to integrate this information Integrate into the specification of a common virtual server.

I intuitively know that the specifications are not additional – I shouldn’t just add up all the RAM requirements of each machine to get what the virtual server needs RAM. I can’t think of them as parallel systems, because no matter how good the virtualization software is, it can’t abstract out two servers trying to hang up the CPU at the same time.

So my question is – in giving Given the estimation of the hardware requirements of the underlying virtual machine, is there a standard method to estimate the hardware requirements of the virtualized system? Is there a C constant for VMWare/MS virtual server overhead (if so, then what is C?)?

Attachment: I promise to transfer it to serverfault(Promise kept) once it enters the testing phase

is to add 25% of additional resources to manage the VM. Therefore, if I need 4 servers, equivalent to a single-core 2 GHz machine and 2 rams, I will need 10 GHz processing power and 10 GB ram This will allow all system red lines and still be OK.

In the real world, this situation will never happen and all servers will not be running all the time. You can analyze the current server and determine Its exact requirements, and then add 25% of the resources to understand the usage.

Check this software to get the analysis utilization +CPU+usage+with+YourKit

We decided to adopt a virtualization solution for some of our development servers. I know that if we buy a separate physical server, the hardware specifications will What is it like, but I don’t know how to integrate this information into the specifications of a common virtual server.

I intuitively know that the specifications are not additional – I shouldn’t just combine the specifications of each machine All the RAM requirements add up to get the RAM needed for the virtual server. I cannot think of them as parallel systems, because no matter how good the virtualization software is, it cannot abstract out two servers trying to hang up the CPU at the same time.

So my question is-given the hardware requirements estimation of the underlying virtual machine, is there a standard way to estimate the hardware requirements of a virtualized system? Is there a C constant for VMWare/MS virtual server overhead (if so, then what is C?)?

Attachment: I promise to transfer it to serverfault(Promise kept) once it enters the testing phase

is to add 25% of additional resources To manage the VM. So if I need 4 servers, equivalent to a single-core 2 GHz machine and 2 rams, I will need 10 GHz processing power and 10 GB of ram. This will allow all system red lines and still work. < p>

In the real world, this situation will never happen, and all servers will not run all the time. You can analyze the current server and determine its exact requirements, and then add 25% of the resources. Understand usage.

Check this software to get analysis utilization

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