RAID – Dell PowerEdge 2800 Logic Disk Fault: Any possible recovery?

I have noticed a problem with the server.

Microsoft updates that are usually downloaded but waiting to be installed may cause this problem.

Before applying the update and restarting, I ran a few diagnostic tests on the hardware and everything turned green. Both hard drives showed green lights

Then I chose “Install update and restart”.

After restarting, after the’SCSI scan’ reached 100%, the two hard drives immediately changed from green to flashing amber, and the “1 logical drive found/failed” error message appeared.


I tried to reinstall the drive without any changes.

I installed two new drives in slots 2 and 3 (the two original drives are still in slots 0 and 1 )

Can I rebuild/restore anything at this time?

If there are any possible steps I will lose before reinstalling the operating system on the two new drives and starting from scratch, I would really appreciate someone let me go to school before I kill any recovery opportunities.

Thank you.

Well, 2800 is quite old now, but, If you publish the raid configuration and report the status of the disk in the scsi controller B IOS, it will help. Generally speaking, the drive may be okay (they did pass the diagnosis, right? You run it from Dell pediags / onlineDiags?) You may only need to restore the array and possibly update the controller and disk firmware, but without any information, it is difficult to guide you through the required steps

I noticed The problem with the server.

A Microsoft update that is usually downloaded but waiting to be installed may cause this problem.

I ran on the hardware before applying the update and restarting After a few diagnostic tests, everything turned green. Both hard drives showed green lights

Then I chose “Install updates and restart”.

After restarting, in the’SCSI After the scan’ reaches 100%, the two hard drives immediately change from green to flashing amber, and the error message “1 logical drive found/failed” appears.

I tried to reinstall without any changes Drive.

I installed two new drives in slots 2 and 3 (the two original drives are still in slots 0 and 1)

You can rebuild/restore at this time Anything?

If there are any possible steps I will lose before reinstalling the operating system on the two new drives and starting from scratch, I would really appreciate someone let me go to school before I kill any recovery opportunities.

Thank you.

Well, 2800 is quite old now, but if you release raid configuration in scsi controller B IOS And report the status of the disk, it will help. Generally speaking, the drive may be okay (they did pass the diagnosis, right? You ran dell pediags/onlineDiags from You may just need to recover The array may also update the controller and disk firmware, but without any information, it is difficult to guide you through the required steps

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