Issue 13 virtual reality how to tell stories

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# EDITOR’S NOTE strong>< /em>

Humans are story-telling animals. From rock paintings and bonfire story parties in ancient times, to stage plays, books, movies, games, and today’s virtual reality, the media and skills of storytelling have been developing. To evaluate whether the story is well told or not, there is a complimentary word called “lively”: the audience seems to be at the scene where the story takes place. From this point of view, virtual reality should be the most potential storytelling tool. How to use VR to tell a nice and truly immersive story? Some pioneers are taking the first step towards this goal.

As at the beginning of the invention of film, VR brings new opportunities and also creates constraints on creation. Some problems are expected, and more are not. “How virtual reality tells stories” is the thinking from Oculus Story Studio. These veterans from famous animation studios such as Pixar are like explorers overcoming obstacles, leaving breadcrumbs of thoughts along the way. It is a very precious experience for us to follow the times and enter virtual reality. Next, Chen Maofan chatted with us “How did I stop worrying and fall in love with virtual reality< /span>“, as a science fiction writer, screenwriter, and VR practitioner, how does Chen Chufan, who can tell stories, view VR narratives and Its prospects in China. “The 13-layer space of VR and science fiction“Inventory of 13 important science fiction works, they are ahead of technology and imagine the virtual world. “One ​​tool, one story” discusses how science fiction affects the future of technology. This article once appeared in “Offline · Science Fiction”. At the cusp of VR today, it provides the mutual reflection of science fiction and technology. A more precipitating insight, it is worth reading again.

Many virtual reality industry pioneers say that they are inspired by science fiction to embark on this path. Backing all the way along the timeline, we found that the technology in science fiction has become more and more practical and closer and closer to the existing technology. In the end, we know that there is no such thing as a laser that can digitize people, but we still hope that we can really go to a virtual world.

This issue”Slow reading” is a story about finding a home. The author discovered an interesting address system in the process of tracing childhood memories. Now, there is a 3-word address anywhere on the earth, even a fire hydrant. “misreading” I have chosen books that discuss the topic of “human-machine symbiosis”. In the human-machine relationship, should we also try to use a “machine-based” perspective to examine the present and calculate the future?

< span style="max-width: 100%; font-size: 18px; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"># CONTENTS

Special topic

How does virtual reality tell stories? – Oculus Story Studio

I How to stop worrying and fall in love with virtual reality strong>– Chen Maofan

The 13-layer space of VR and science fiction– Deng Siyuan< /span>

One ​​tool, one story: How science fiction affects the future of technology Jon Turney

Slow reading

3 words that define every inch of the earth– Duncan Gill


Adopt a “machine-based” perspective in the human-machine relationship– Ji Yubiao

Letters from readers

A letter from the reader: a popular movie – Lobby

Invited planning: Deng Siyuan

This issue of planning: I don’t know.

Look back

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Issue 12 The old technique is still new: The 19th Century Marvel Technical Manual

Any sufficiently advanced technology is no different from magic, science fiction writer This view was still valid in the 19th century. At that time, people talked about telegraph, telephone, photography and other technologies, as if seeing the future in front of them. Regarding the terrible consequences that “magic” may bring, it also aroused the technical imagination and philosophical discussion that belonged to that era.

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 # EDITOR’S NOTE < /span>

人类是讲故事的动物。从远古时代的岩画、篝火故事会,到舞台剧、书籍、电影、游戏,以及今天的虚拟现实,讲故事的媒介和技巧一直在发展。评价故事讲得好不好,有一个褒义词叫做「活灵活现」:观众仿佛亲临故事发生的现场。由此看来,虚拟现实应该是最有潜力的讲故事工具。怎样用 VR 讲出好听的、真正如临其境的故事?一些先驱正在朝着这个目标迈出第一步。

和电影发明之初一样,VR 带来了全新的机遇,也造成了创作上的约束,一些问题预料到了,更多的没有。 「虚拟现实如何讲故事」是来自 Oculus Story Studio 的思考,这些来自于皮克斯等著名动画工作室的老兵,就像披荆斩棘的探险家,沿路留下思想的面包屑,对于想要跟随时代进入虚拟现实的我们,是十分宝贵的经验。接下来,陈楸帆和我们聊了聊「我是如何停止忧虑并且爱上虚拟现实的」,作为科幻小说家、编剧和 VR 从业者,会讲故事的陈楸帆如何看待 VR 叙事及其在中国的前景。 「VR 和科幻的十三层空间」盘点了 13 部重要的科幻作品,它们抢在技术前面,把虚拟的世界想象了出来。 「一种工具,一个故事」讨论了科幻如何影响技术的未来,这篇文章曾经出现在《离线 · 科幻》,在如今 VR 的风口浪尖,它给科幻和技术的相互映照提供了更沉淀的见解,值得再读。


本期「缓读」是一篇寻家的故事,作者在追寻儿时记忆的过程中发现了一套有趣的地址系统。现在,地球上的任何位置都有了一个 3 单词地址,甚至一个消防栓。 「误读」选择了探讨「人机共生」这个话题的书籍,在人机关系中,我们是不是也应该试着采用「机本位」视角来审视现在,推算未来?



虚拟现实如何讲故事? – Oculus Story Studio

我是如何停止忧虑并且爱上虚拟现实的 – 陈楸帆

VR 和科幻的十三层空间 – 邓思渊

一种工具,一个故事:科幻如何影响技术的未来– 乔恩 · 特尼


3 个词,定义地球的每一寸土地 – 邓肯 · 吉尔


在人机关系中采用「机本位」视角 – 纪宇彪


读者来信:一部冷门佳片 – Lobby





Issue 12 旧术犹新:19 世纪惊奇技术手册

任何足够先进的技术,都与魔法无异,科幻小说家的这个观点放到 19 世纪依然成立。那时的人们谈论电报、电话、摄影等技术,仿佛看到未来近在眼前。关于「魔法」可能带来的可怕后果,也激起了属于那个时代的技术想象和哲学探讨。

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