Team project – topic report

Team Project-Topic Selection Report

++ group Long blog++

Two, NABCD analysis and citation

Need———— user needs

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  • This is a relaxing and interesting game. The innovative exploration gameplay allows players to enjoy it. A variety of different gameplay methods can also make players feel full and relaxed and happy in the game. This relaxing and casual game The adventure game is not stressful, so it is very suitable for players to play when they are tired or bored or even irritable. It not only relaxes the player’s mind, relieves anxious mentality, a variety of monsters and food illustrations and interesting levels can also make players forget all their worries.
  • Approach——The uniqueness of the method

    • The game uses a sandbox map production method , Similar to the map and character structure of Minecraft, the pixel-level squares are unique in their presentation, giving players a strong visual impact, and can better meet the aesthetic standards of most players, allowing players to have a better gaming experience in game exploration.
    • In addition, the gameplay is also an innovative and unique gameplay. Players gain abilities and skills by eating food to deal with monsters in the map. It has a high level of fun and adventure.

    Benefit———— Benefits

    • This game brings players interesting and innovative exploration gameplay, which is very suitable for players Playing in leisure time allows players to relax, adjust their mentality, and enjoy endless fun.
    • A variety of monster and food illustrations can let players understand the fun of the game adventure, and also allow players to see the special foods of various locations.
    • The exquisite map and the beautiful design of the interface prevent players from aesthetic fatigue, allowing players to enjoy the game 100%.


    • The game uses a sandbox map production method, and the gameplay is relatively innovative. There is no similar game, less competitive. And it has high playability, more gameplay and functions, and high scalability, so it takes more time and energy to develop than other games.


    • It will be promoted on campus, and will also be promoted and shared on the Internet. To a certain extent, you can find some advertisers or game companies to increase promotion, or distribute them to some game promotion platforms for everyone to play.

    Three. Individual Contribution Points Rule

    The following table shows the personal Team stage Team project score composition:

    < th style="text-align: left;">Number of people




    td >

    task content Score
    Team introduction 1 10
    Team project PTT production 3 30
    The first stage blog description 1 20
    Phase 1 release notes 1 10
    First stage scoring report 1 10
    First stage live display 1 40
    The first stage of answering questions 11 20
    The second stage Blog description 1 20
    Phase 2 release notes 1 10
    Second stage scoring report 1 10
    the second stage live display 1 40
    Second stage answering questions 11< /td>

    Team evaluation form design 4 20
    Assignment of team contribution points 1 10
    Team project content allocation 11 100
    The content of the team project is complete 11 150
    Team management 3 30


    Note: The calculation of team contribution points is as follows: Team A’s total team contribution points at a stage = 50 points * number of team members. When assigning contribution points to team members, it is required to follow the team’s team contribution points distribution rules Distribution requires that everyone’s team contribution points are different.

    Four. Topic-choice report content

    Download link:

    Five. Review Form Design

    Share Picture

    6. Summary of defenses

    a. Assessment team The proportion of each person’s contribution to this assignment


    group members Contribution ratio
    Lu Huan ( Leader) 30%
    Yan Xi 9%
    Zhang Huo Biao 6%
    Luying Zhong 6%
    week Hua 6%
    Guliar Aishan 6%
    Zhang Cong 8%
    Chi Jiuxi 7%
    Wang Jiaxiang 6%
    Yang Zhonglian 6%
    Chen Tianheng 10%

    b Find the field defense score of this group

    < tr class="header">

    Group number Scoring score (100 points system) Score (60 points system)
    First group 82 49
    Second group 92 (highest score removal) 55 (removal of the highest score)
    the third group 86 52
    The fourth group 88 53
    Fifth group 89 53
    The sixth group 82 49
    The seventh group 92 55
    The eighth group 81 (lowest score Removal) 49 (lowest score removal)
    The ninth group 82 49
    Tenth group 90 54
    average score< /td>

    86 52< /td>

    c Answer other groups’ questions about this group ( One point will be deducted for answering one less question.)

    Q: How do players give feedback
    Answer: You can learn about players’ feedback on our game through the QQ group

    Q: Game Is the model of the game bias towards creation or survival
    Answer: We mainly survive, of course, there are also creative models, which are reflected in the editor

    Q: Can the game theme food be linked to reality?
    Answer: We designed mainly for game content, and we really didn’t expect to be connected with reality

    Q: How to promote your products
    A: You can make videos online and offline, through classmates, friends, etc.

    d modify and improve the team’s topic selection report based on the comments and suggestions put forward by other groups in the defense, and indicate the revisions

    • A group suggestion: Some current mainstream sandbox gameplay can be added.
    • Changes: Will choose to add a sandbox to create a map mode, allowing players to freely use their imagination to create in the map.

    • A group’s suggestion: The pixel sandbox is difficult to see the appearance of the food. You can use the small food sandbox to see the details of the food. Can attract foodies.
    • Modifications: It will be added to click the gourmet sandbox through the illustrated book to obtain detailed information about the food, which can attract players to obtain the food illustrated book through adventure, which is more satisfying Foodie.

    • A group suggestion: Post-maintenance, new gameplay can be introduced regularly to improve playability.
    • Changes: Okay, after completing the basic functions of the game, we will continue to think about new gameplay and develop and launch as much as possible, such as multiplayer adventure Both the mode and the multiplayer competitive mode are worthy of our consideration.

    • A group suggestion: I hope we can add a little feedback mechanism.
    • Changes: Yes, we will not only create a game exchange group, but also add a feedback mailbox and feedback group to the game interface for players to give feedback. Players who have played the game can easily and quickly find the feedback portal. []

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