Game Handle Need – Android TV – Publishing Application

I have uploaded an app that supports gamepads on my Android TV, but this is not required. Unfortunately, the Google Play Store shows that it needs to be filled. I know it has obvious things, but It looks good to me.

This is the important part I guess

uses-feature android:name=” android.hardware.gamepad” android:required=”false”

due to your Video games support gamepads, but they are not required. You should actually exclude the use of gamepads. Intuitively, when a gamepad is actually needed, you set the gamepad to required=false (the game cannot be used for remote input) .

I have uploaded an app that supports gamepads on Android TV, but it is not required. Unfortunately, the Google Play Store shows that it needs to be filled. I know it has obvious things, But it looks good to me.

This is the important part I guess

uses-feature android:name= ”Android.hardware.gamepad” android:required=”false”

Since your TV game supports gamepads, it is not required, You should actually exclude the use of the gamepad. Intuitively, when the gamepad is actually needed, you set the gamepad to required=false (the game cannot be used for remote input).

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