Commonly used RSS reader evaluation

This article is a popular knowledge article, mainly about the main functions and common uses of RSS readers. If you are already familiar with RSS readers, please ignore this article. If you have been using a browser to read information, please try RSS reading You can see that your reading habits may change more or less.

  Basic concept of RSS

  What is RSS? RSS is a simple way to share content online (also called aggregated content, Really Simple Syndication). The RSS output provided by the website is conducive to allowing users to obtain the latest updates of the content of the website. Users can use RSS reading software to read the output website content without opening the website content.

  The role of RSS

   The biggest role of RSS is to allow users to use the least amount of time to get the information they need most without getting caught in the ocean of information .

  RSS reader will automatically arrange all the updated content together. Users do not need to browse the content one site by one, only need to view the RSS reader. Of course, the prerequisite is that the RSS content is “full text output” “Some websites use “RSS summary output” because they are afraid of losing traffic, which reduces the user’s browsing efficiency to a certain extent.

  Classification of RSS readers

   The current RSS readers are divided into offline RSS readers and online RSS readers.

   Offline RSS mainly refers to a client software for RSS reading, such as the RSS reading that comes with the browser (IE7 and FireFox, etc.). I personally think that it is better to use free Chinese. FeedDemon and GreatNews.

The advantage of    offline RSS is that it is relatively stable, but the disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to use on multiple computers. The reading content is not synchronized, the speed is slow, and it consumes local resources. I personally do not recommend using offline RSS readers.

  Online RSS reading is to use a dedicated service website for online RSS reading, instead of a client program. The advantage of an online reader is that it does not need to consume client resources, and the speed is generally faster. Reading (such as company and home) does not need to be configured multiple times, and the content of reading can also be guaranteed to be coherent and synchronized.

   I used to specifically introduce “offline RSS reader and online RSS reading service comparison”, but now the online RSS reader market has undergone tremendous changes, I have to re-introduce the main online RSS reader.

  Comparison of major online RSS readers

   Currently, there are many online RSS readers on the Internet, as far as I know, there are many, so The user will inevitably be unable to start when choosing. Here I introduce a few common RSS readers. If you have never used an RSS reader to read Blogs, I believe that after using an online RSS reader, you will more or less change your reading habits.

  1, Google Reader:

   With the help of Google, Google Reader has become the big brother of online readers, supporting Chinese interface, I also think Google Reader is the best reader. It has all the functions possible, and it also supports HTTPS, and the reading speed is very fast.

  2, Bloglines:

   is currently in the second place. Although it is the earliest one, it feels a bit out of date. According to FeedBurner’s statistics, Bloglines’ market share is far lower than that of Google Reader. (Note: currently closed)

  3, NewsGator:

   English interface, the speed is not very good, the support for Chinese is not very good. Google Adsense ads will be displayed on the reading interface. (Note: currently closed)

  4, Rojo:

   English interface, slow speed. The Chinese language support is extremely bad, the Chinese directory will appear garbled and cannot be modified and deleted, and Google Adsense ads will be displayed on the reading interface. (Note: Currently closed)

  5. Catch shrimp:

   is a domestic reader, currently the leader of domestic readers. The browsing speed is OK, but unfortunately I can’t browse by directory. This is a big functional defect, and everything else is pretty good. (Note: currently closed)

  6. Fresh fruit:

   Domestic readers, support OPML import and export, and support external feeds, Support shortcut keys like Google Reader.

  7. Youdao reading:

   Domestic reader, produced by NetEase Youdao, supports OPML import and export, and does not support feed outside the wall. Support shortcut keys like Google Reader.

  8, Douban nine o’clock:

   Domestic readers, support OPML import and export, do not support external feeds, no shortcuts key.

  9, QQ mailbox reading space:

   The RSS reader attached to Tencent’s QQ mailbox, you need to log in to the QQ mailbox to access, support OPML import and export, It does not support off-wall feeds, and does not support shortcut keys like Google Reader.


   Foreign free RSS reader, with mobile APP and WEB products (iPhone/iPad, Android, Kindle). One of the highlights of Feedly is that it can synchronize the data of Google Reader, which can reduce the cost of user migration. Feedly has the basic functions of Google Reader, and has a built-in “read later” and improved aggregate picture function.

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