RSS reader in Emacs – NeWsticker

1 Introduction


Newsticker is an RSS reader, it supports the following formats

* RSS 0.91

* RSS 0.92

* RSS 1.0

* RSS 2.0

* Atom 0.3

* Atom 1.0

Newsticker-mode supports imenu, which allows you to use the menu to locate. This function can be implemented using the following configuration information

< br>


2 Use


* newsticker-show-news

All available headlines are displayed. Click the middle of the mouse or press Enter on the headline to call `browse-url` to open the link.

* newsticker-start-ticker

Make the headline scroll on the echo area

* newsticker-stopticker

The headline stops scrolling on the echo area

* newsticker-start

Start to download the headline periodically

* newsticker-stop

Stop downloading the headline periodically, and call newsticker-stop-ticker

3 Configuration


* newsticker-url-list

Defines the address list of the feed, The element format is (LABEL URL &START-TIME INTERVAL WGET-ARGUMENTS)

For example

(add-to-list'newsticker-url-list'("MantistBt" "" nil nil nil))

* newsticker-retrieval-method

Defines the way to get the headline from the feed. You can either use the built-in download function of Emacs (set to’intern) or use external tools (set to ‘ extern) For example, wget (determined by the variable `newsticker-wget-name`) is implemented

* newsticker-retrieval-interval

Defines the time interval for obtaining the headline, in seconds Unit

* newsticker-keep-obsolete-items

When the unread headline is deleted from the feed, will it remain in the Newsticker cache

* newsticker -auto-mark-filter-list

Automatically mark the headline as immortal or old

* newsticker-new-item-functions

Get the new headline The list of functions that are automatically called at the time, you can use the functions `newsticker-download-images` and `newsticker-download-enclosures` to automatically download pictures or related attachments

* newsticker-ticker-interval and newsticker-scroll-smoothly

Determines the time interval and switching method of the headline when it is displayed in the echo area

* newsticker-frontend

Newsticker provides two display interfaces, treeview and plainview. The amount of change determines which display interface is used. Can be used as `newsticker-plainview` or `newsticker-treeview`
* newsticker-html-renderer
If newsticker obtains the content in HTML format, it will call the function of this variable to format the html (otherwise the HTML code will be displayed directly), for example

(setq newsticker-html-renderer'w3m-region)

* newsticker-automatically-mark-items-as-old Whether to automatically mark the previous item as old * newsticker-automatically-mark -visited-items-as-old Whether to automatically mark the read item as old

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