ASP.NET – After using Response.Redirect, Ajax UpdateProgress will not stop spiing

I have an UpdateProgress control to activate the postback of the button control. The button_click event is executing Response.Redirect to display the CSV report. The report appears and the UpdateProgress bar is rotating the page on the button. But once The user closes the report and returns the control to the page, the UpdateProgress image is still rotating.

How to use the UpdateProgress bar to complete and disappear?

This link is helpful to me.

In short Instead, replace Response.Redirect with something like this.

Me, Me.GetType(), "Download", "window.location= 'CSV_report.aspx';", True)

I have an UpdateProgress control to activate the postback of the button control. The button_click event is executing Response.Redirect to display the CSV report. The report appears and the UpdateProgress bar is rotating the page on the button. However, once the user closes the report and returns the control to the page, the UpdateProgress image is still rotating.

How to use the UpdateProgress bar to complete and disappear?

This link is helpful to me.

In short, replace Response.Redirect with something like this.< /p>

Me, Me.GetType(), "Download", "window.location='CSV_report.aspx';", True)

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