ASP.NET-CORE – Use DOTNET PACK to include all dependencies

Is there a way to force dotnet pack to include all referenced assemblies (all dependencies in project.json)?

I believe this is related:

> https://github. com/dotnet/cli/issues/3959

According to the design, each dependency needs to be done separately dotnet packaging.

Some people include the dll in their release folder as a file in their package options in the design.

However, for each individual dependency Item creation package will make the code easier to version, maintain, update, etc…

Is there a way to force dotnet pack to include all referenced assemblies (all dependencies in project.json item)?

I believe this is related:

> https://github. com/dotnet/cli/issues/3959

According to the design, each dependency needs to be packaged separately for dotnet.

Some people include the dll in their release folder as a file in their package options in their design.

However, creating a package for each individual dependency will result in easier code versioning, maintenance, Update etc…

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