VS2013 Modify Engineering Name (C #)

I don’t comment too much on the project rename tool found on Baidu. Friends who have tried it know that there are often various problems, and sometimes the name is changed. The later project can be opened but cannot be compiled, and an inexplicable error message will pop up. . . In fact, changing the name is very simple, it only takes a few steps

Not much to say, enter the theme. .

How to modify, how? ? ?

1. Modify the name of the solution: select the name of the solution, right-click and rename it.

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2. Modify the project name, and the method is the same as above, so I won’t repeat it.

3. Modify the project’s assembly name and default namespace: select the project, right-click the properties, and the following dialog box will pop up

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4. Replace the name in the project or solution: Find the search or replace button in VS, select the replacement in the pop-up dialog box, pay attention to the scope of replacement, default the entire solution, and complete the replacement operation.

The operation under VS2013 is [Edit]-[Find and Replace]-[Quick Replace], the operation of each version is similar. Close the solution when finished.

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5. Go to the project folder to find the .sln file, open it with Notepad, and use the replacement method to complete the replacement of the project name.

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6. Modify the corresponding folder name of the same level directory of the .sln file. Immediately succeeded, there is only one last step left!

7. Delete the files with these four suffixes in the [bin]-[Debug] directory, these four files It is also named after your original project name

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8. Regenerate the solution, and you’re done!

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