How do I handle Sigchld?

I need to handle SIGCHLD correctly. How to use it in existing code. Currently I cannot wait for the child process unless I use 0 instead of WNOHANG | WUNTRACED.

status = 0; 
pid_t child, endID;
if(amp == 1)
signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN );
< br /> child = fork();

if (child <0) {
perror("fork() error ");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE);< br />
} else if (child == 0) {
// do sth here
perror("error ");

} else {

If I delete sleep then the father is executed first… why?

This is a beginning (but read below):

static void
child_handler(int sig)
pid_t pid;
int status;

while((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG))> 0)

/* Establish handler. */< br />struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sa.sa_handler = child_handler;

sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL);

Of course, this is meaningless. If parents just ignore SIGCHLD, the children will harvest silently and will not become zombies.

Quoting TLPI:

Explicitly setting the disposition of SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN causes any
child process that subsequently terminates to be immediately removed
from the system < strong>instead of being converted into a zombie.

So something like this should do the trick for you:

signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); /* Silently (and portably) reap children. */

I need to handle SIGCHL correctly D. How to use it in existing code. Currently I cannot wait for the child process unless I use 0 instead of WNOHANG | WUNTRACED.

status = 0; < br /> pid_t child, endID;
if(amp == 1)
signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN );

child = fork();

if (child <0) {
perror("fork() error ");

} else if (child == 0 ) {
// do sth here
perror("error ");

} else {

< p>If I delete the sleep then the father is executed first…why?

This is the beginning (but read below):

static void
child_handler(int sig)
pid_t pid;
int status;

while((pid = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG))> 0)

/* Establish handler. */
struct sigaction sa;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sa.sa_handler = child_handler;

sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL);

Of course, this is meaningless. If parents just ignore SIGCHLD, children will harvest silently and will not become zombies.

Quoting TLPI:

< /p>

Explicitly setting the disposition of SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN causes any
child process that subsequently terminates to be immediately removed
from the system instead of being converted into a zombie.

So something like this should do the trick for you:

signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); /* Silently ( and portably) reap children. */

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