WPF – Rolling and narrowing scroll bars on XAML canvas

I have a canvas, which will generate images from the code behind, my xaml is as follows


cvsWarehouse It is the actual canvas. The work behind many of the codes continues to generate images, and the output window is as follows.
Scrollbar showing only half

When it is maximized, it does not show the scroll bar. I googled frantically and tried my best, but still couldn’t solve the problem. I wanted to scroll to the end of the canvas. There are more images below, but wrappanel or Layout conversion does not work here. This also has zoom in and zoom out but still does not show the scroll bar.

Maximized but still content is there below but no scrollbars
When I say the following content is still there, this is what I mean

Such a huge canvas

How to make this scroll bar visible. Like zoom in or zoom out Or minimize or maximize

I encountered a similar problem, I found this problem first One answer is useful-(LayoutTransform on certain elements in canvas?). Apply ScrollViewer to the canvas (the element to which Layout Transform has been applied). The scroll bar must detect the change in canvas size to display the scroll bar. Also, I don’t think you need Inside the Canvas tab – ScrollViewer.CanContentScr oll=1 Canvas, the image will be generated from the code behind, my xaml is as follows

< br /> 

< MenuItem Header="_Print"/>

cvsWarehouse is the actual canvas, and the work behind many of the codes continues to generate images, and the output window is as follows
Scrollbar showing only half

When it is maximized, it The scroll bar is not displayed. I googled wildly and tried my best, but still couldn’t solve the problem. I wanted to scroll to the end of the canvas. There are more images below, but the wrappanel or Layout conversion didn’t work here. This also zooms in and out but still does not show the scroll bar.

Maximized but still content is there below but no scrollbars
When I say the following content still exists, this is what I mean

Such a huge canvas

How to make this scroll bar visible. Like zoom in or out or minimize or maximize

I ran into a similar problem and I found the first answer to this question to be useful-(LayoutTransform on certain elements in canvas?). Apply ScrollViewer to the canvas (with Layout Transform applied Element). The scroll bar must detect the change in canvas size to display the scroll bar. Also, I don’t think you need to be inside the Canvas tag – ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll = “True” ScrollViewer.Horizo​​ntalScrollBarVisibility = “Visible” ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = “Visible”. These definitions within the ScrollViewer tag should present the required functionality.

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