WebService introduction and process ()

First of all, what is WebService? WebService is a cross-platform, cross-language remote calling technology. A complete WebService is composed of Wsdl, Soap, UDDI, etc. Its biggest advantage is cross-platform and cross-language.

What is cross-platform, that is, it can cross different operating systems, and what is cross-language, that is, can cross different programming languages.

Let’s talk about the complete process of a WebService being called.

1. First, the client goes to the UDDI server to find a suitable WebService interface.

2. After the client finds a suitable interface, it visits the target address, and the target host (that is, the host that provides the service) will return a Wsdl page.

3. The client compiles Soap format data according to Wsdl and sends it to the target service host.

4. The service host processes the data from the client and returns the result.

In our usual use, we usually call directly according to the existing interface address, saving the first step, we directly access the Wsdl address to get the wsdl file.

Wsdl: WebService description language, WebService description language, used to describe details, such as interface address, interface parameter details, etc.

Soap: Http message header+XML=Soap, soap is A norm.

UDDI: It is the server that registers and queries the WebService interface.

The above is my understanding of Websevice, probably the process is like this, below is the principle of use written by an old man I saw, I feel that it is very good to share.

WebService introduction, principle, use, flow chart

https://www.cnblogs.com /shaohz2014/p/3671929.html

I have also seen a few articles about the WebService interface. Please write it down first. You can read it recently.

1. About the similarities and differences between webservice and http interface

  webservice interface and http interface: https://www.cnblogs.com/phoebes/p/ 8029464.html

2. The similarities and differences between rest style and soap style of WebService interface.

  The difference between REST API and SOAP API: https://blog.csdn.net/flysnowjava/article/details/81464059

3 .About WebService security

  1) Talk about improving the access security of WebService: https://www.cnblogs.com/fineblog/archive/2010/11/27/WebService.html#2012360

  2) CXF WEBSERVICE security verification: https://www.iteye.com/blog/jxdwuao-2086097

4. Timing tasks

   Timing tasks and asynchronous tasks Usage: https://www.cnblogs.com/cicada-smile/p/11000114.html


  ScheduledExecutorService Delay/Periodic Execution Thread Pool: https:/ /blog.csdn.net/wangmx1993328/article/details/80840598#Executor%20%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84%E5%9B%BE

There is also a small tip:

1. The @Async annotation in SpringBoot cooperates with the @EnableAsync annotation to enable asynchronous tasks

2. filter filter, interceptor interceptor

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