Android-studio – FLUTTER integration in Android Studio

Error when integrating Flutter in Android Studio* Error when running Gradle: Unable to download the required Android SDK components because the following license has not been accepted: Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0 .2, Android SDK Platform 27 To solve this problem, please run the following command in the terminal: flutter doctor –android-licenses
enter image description here The problem lies in the sdk path in By default, it points to a different When I change the android sdk home directory in sdk.dir, it works for me

An error occurred when integrating Flutter in Android Studio* Error when running Gradle: Unable to download all The required Android SDK components, because the following licenses have not been accepted: Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2, Android SDK Platform 27 To solve this problem, please run the following command in the terminal: flutter doctor –android-licenses

enter image description here The problem lies in the sdk path in By default, it points to a different location. When changing the android sdk home directory in sdk.dir, it works for me

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