Delete the wizard from the screen cocos2d iphone?

I have a game I wrote. I am ready to say it is completed, but I found an error. Basically, as the game time goes on, the game slows down. Mine The guess is that this is because of the sprite that is still drawing on the screen. I will paste the code below, but basically the sprite is created in the “addNewBall” method. In this method, it is added to the array that calculates its motion. After the ball reaches the position to leave the screen, it is removed from the array, which makes it stop moving, but it is still “pulled out” of the screen. How to delete the sprite so that the processor no longer counts it. Thank you in advance for your help !



-(void) addNewBall {
NumberOfBalls = NumberOfBalls + 1;

int RandomXPosition = (arc4random()% 240) + 40;
NSString *BallFileString = @"OrangeBall.png";

switch (arc4random()% 5) {
case 1:
BallFileString = @"OrangeBall.png";
case 2:
BallFileString = @"GreenBall.png";< br /> break;
case 3:
BallFileString = @"YellowBall.png";
case 4:
BallFileString = @"PinkBall.png" ;
case 0:
BallFileString = @"BlueBall.png";

Ball = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:BallFileString];
Ball.position = ccp(RandomXPosition, 520);

BallIsMoving = YES;
[self addChild:B all z:10];
[AllObjectsArray_ addObject:Ball];
[BallArray_ addObject:Ball];


/ /And here is where it is removed...

if (Ball.position.y <= -100) {

[BallArray_ removeObject: Ball] ;

You seem to be missing some conditions in the delete method. If the ball’s The y position is greater than the height of the screen, or is the x position outside the screen, do you also want to remove the ball? Anyway, in the same place where you removed the ball from the array, you should add:

[self removeChild:Ball cleanup: YES]

I should also point out that your BallArray may be redundant, because you have to add all balls to another node anyway. If the only child node of that node is Ball, you can use its child properties to get the ball’s Array. In this case, the sub-array will be: self.children (see for details).

If there are non-Ball child nodes on the same node, you may need to add intermediate nodes to simplify the design so that one less array can be used.

I have a game that I wrote. I am ready to say it is finished, but I found an error. Basically, as the game time goes on, the game slows down. My guess is that this is because it is still drawing on the screen Sprite. I will paste the code below, but basically the sprite is created in the “addNewBall” method. In this method, it is added to the array that calculates its movement. After the ball reaches the position where it leaves the screen, it starts from Move out of the array, which makes it stop moving, but it is still “pulled out” of the screen. How to delete the sprite so that the processor no longer counts it. Thanks in advance for your help!



-(void) addNewBall {
NumberOfBalls = NumberOfBalls + 1;

int RandomXPosition = (arc4random()% 240) + 40;
NSString *BallFileString = @"OrangeBall.png";

switch (arc4random()% 5) {
case 1:
BallFileString = @"OrangeBall.png";
case 2:
BallFileString = @"GreenBall.png";< br /> break;
case 3:
BallFileString = @"YellowBall.png";
case 4:
BallFileString = @"PinkBall.png" ;
case 0:
BallFileString = @"BlueBall.png";

Ball = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:BallFileString];
Ball.position = ccp(RandomXPosition, 520);

BallIsMoving = YES;
[self addChild:Ball z:10];
[AllObjectsArray_ addObject:Ball];
[BallArray_ addObject:Ball];


// And here is where it is removed...

if (Ball.position.y <= -100) {

[BallArray_ removeObject: Ball];

You seem to be missing some conditions in the delete method. If the y position of the ball is greater than the screen height, or if the x position is off the screen , Do you also want to remove the ball? Anyway, in the same place where you removed the ball from the array, you should add:

[self removeChild:Ball cleanup: YES]

I should also point out that your BallArray may be redundant, because you have to add all balls to another node anyway. If the only child node of that node is Ball, you can use its child properties to get the ball’s Array. In this case, the sub-array will be: self.children (see for details).

If there are non-Ball child nodes on the same node, you may need to add intermediate nodes to simplify the design so that one less array can be used.

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