(Transfer) Quick-Cocos2D-X picture resource encryption (continued)

Summary: Supplement to the resource encryption method implemented on quick-cocos2d-x

First part:

quick-cocos2d-x image resource encryption

Let quick-cocos2d-x support encrypted plist files

Through the modification of the previous article, we have been able to use encrypted image resources in common formats (png, jpg, etc.) on the Windows platform and Android. However, on the player on the MAC and on the IOS, another code is called when loading the resource, so we need to make additional modifications.

First, modify the Player code on the Mac. What we are going to modify this time is the CCImage.mm file in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\mac directory. At the beginning of the _initWithFile function, you can see the following code:

NSString *fullPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:path]; jpg = [[NSImage alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:fullPath];

We use the following code instead: p>

unsignedlong fileSize=0; unsignedchar* pFileData= cocos2d::CZHelperFunc::getFileData(path, "rb",&fileSize); NSData*adata=[ [NSDataalloc]initWithBytes:pFileDatalength:fileSize]; delete[ ]pFileData; jpg=[[NSImagealloc]initWithData:adata] ;< /span> 

And in the CCImage::initWithImageFile function, I saw a familiar statement:

 unsignedchar*pFileData=CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData (strTemp.c_str(), "rb", &fileSize); 

I should be very skilled in modifying this:

unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileDat a(strTemp.c_str(), "rb", &fileSize) ;

In addition, the inclusion of the HelperFunc.h header file is definitely necessary, and the subsequent modifications are the same, so I won’t explain it every time.

Ok, now MAC supports encrypted image files. If you want to support encrypted plist files, you must also change the CCFileUtilsMac.mm file in the same directory. Find the CCFileUtilsMac::createCCDictionaryWithContentsOfFile function, the two sentences that need to be modified are:

NSString* pPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:fullPath.c_str()]; NSDictionary* pDict= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pPath];

You need to write a little more code than before:


unsignedlong fileSize = 0; unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileData(fullPath.c_str(), "rb",&fileSize); NSData *data = [[[NSData alloc]initWithBytes:pFileDatalength:fileSize]autorelease]; delete[]pFileData; NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString *error;  NSMutableDictionary *pDict = (NSMutableDictionary*)[ sNSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:data mutability option:NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves  span> 

After changing the MAC, it is easier to modify the IOS, because the modification methods are similar, but the files are different. The files to be modified are the CCImage.mm and CCFileUtilsIOS.mm files in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\ios directory. The functions to be modified in these two files are the same, even the code that needs to be modified are almost the same. The only thing that needs to be noticed is that UIImage should be used in IOS instead of NSImage in Mac. No more code posted here.

After so many modifications, it is basically commonly used All picture files are already supported, but some special format files may also be used, by the way.

Support PVR files, need to modify lib\cocos2d -x\cocos2dx\textures CCTexturePVR.cpp file, find the sentence where CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData is located, and modify it, no need to say more.

Support TGA files, modify lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx TGAlib.cpp under \support\image_support, similar to the above, is also a sentence.

Also in There is also a file CCTextureCache.cpp in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\textures directory. I didn’t take a closer look. It should have something to do with the loading of TMX MAP. It’s just a sentence, so let’s change it together, ha ha.

After the above modification, it should be able to meet The vast majority of encryption needs are gone. A cursory glance at the code, there should be only PKM files that cannot be supported, because it uses JNI to call Android’s API to decode the file, which is not very easy to modify.

The above is my personal modification method, there must be a better modification method, hope Can share and communicate with everyone. If there is something wrong, please correct me!


2014.2 .24 update:

supports pvr.ccz file, need to modify lib\cocos2d The ccInflateCCZFile function in the -x\cocos2dx\support\zip_support\ZipUtils.cpp file is also a sentence for reading the content of the file, applicable under all platforms.

Thank you to the friend “Xiaosheng” in the group for providing this information!

Original address: https://my.oschina.net/SunLightJuly/blog/189971

First article:

quick-cocos2d-x image resource encryption

let quick-cocos2d-x support encrypted plist files

Through the modification of the previous article, we have been able to play on the Windows platform player and Android Common formats using encryption Type (png, jpg, etc.) image resources. However, on the player on the MAC and on the IOS, another code is called when loading the resource, so we need to make additional modifications.

First, modify the Player code on the Mac. What we are going to modify this time is the CCImage.mm file in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\mac directory. At the beginning of the _initWithFile function, you can see the following code:

NSString *fullPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:path]; jpg = [[NSImage alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:fullPath];

We use the following code instead: p>

unsignedlong fileSize=0; unsignedchar* pFileData= cocos2d::CZHelperFunc::getFileData(path, "rb",&fileSize); NSData*adata=[ [NSDataalloc]initWithBytes:pFileDatalength:fileSize]; delete[ ]pFileData; jpg=[[NSImagealloc]initWithData:adata] ;< /span>

And in the CCImage::initWithImageFile function, I saw a familiar statement:

unsigned< span class="hljs-keyword" style="color: #e3ceab">char* pFileData= CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(strTemp .c_str(), "rb",&fileSize);

I should be familiar with modifying this:

unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileData(strTemp. c_str(), "rb",&fileSize);

In addition, the inclusion of the HelperFunc.h header file is definitely necessary, and the subsequent modifications are the same, so I won’t explain it every time.

Ok, now MAC supports encrypted image files. If you want to support encrypted plist files, you must also change the CCFileUtilsMac.mm file in the same directory. Find the CCFileUtilsMac::createCCDictionaryWithContentsOfFile function, the two sentences that need to be modified are:

NSString* pPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:fullPath.c_str()]; NSDictionary* pDict= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pPath];

You need to write a little more code than before:


unsignedlong fileSize = 0; unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileData(fullPath.c_str(), "rb",&fileSize); NSData *data = [[[NSData alloc]initWithBytes:pFileDatalength:fileSize]autorelease]; delete[]pFileData; NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString *error; NSMutableDictionary *pDict = (NSMutableDictionary*)[ NSMutableDictionary*)[ NSMutableDictionary*)[  -built_in" style="color: #cc9393">NSPropertyListSerializationpropertyListFromData:data mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves  >  span>

After changing the MAC, it is easier to modify the IOS, because the modification methods are similar, but the files are different. The files to be modified are the CCImage.mm and CCFileUtilsIOS.mm files in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\ios directory. The functions to be modified in these two files are the same, even the code that needs to be modified are almost the same. The only thing that needs to be noticed is that UIImage should be used in IOS instead of NSImage in Mac. No more code posted here.

After so many modifications, it is basically commonly used All picture files are already supported, but some special format files may also be used, by the way.

Support PVR files, need to modify lib\cocos2d -x\cocos2dx\textures CCTexturePVR.cpp file, find the sentence where CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData is located, and modify it, no need to say more.

Support TGA files, modify lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx TGAlib.cpp under \support\image_support, similar to the above, is also a sentence.

Also in There is also a file CCTextureCache.cpp in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\textures directory. I didn’t take a closer look. It should have something to do with the loading of TMX MAP. It’s just a sentence, so let’s change it together, ha ha.

After the above modification, it should be able to meet The vast majority of encryption needs are gone. A cursory glance at the code, there should be only PKM files that cannot be supported, because it uses JNI to call Android’s API to decode the file, which is not very easy to modify.

The above is my personal modification method, there must be a better modification method, hope Can share and communicate with everyone. If there is something wrong, please correct me!


2014.2 .24 update:

supports pvr.ccz file, need to modify lib\cocos2d The ccInflateCCZFile function in the -x\cocos2dx\support\zip_support\ZipUtils.cpp file is also a sentence for reading the content of the file, applicable under all platforms.

Thank you to the friend “Xiaosheng” in the group for providing this information!

First part:

quick-cocos2d-x image resource encryption

Let quick-cocos2d-x support encrypted plist files

Through the modification of the previous article, we have been able to use encrypted image resources in common formats (png, jpg, etc.) on Windows platform players and Android. However, in On the player on MAC and on IOS, another code is called when loading resources, so we need to make additional modifications.

First, modify the Player code on the Mac. What we are going to modify this time is the CCImage.mm file in the lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\mac directory. At the beginning of the _initWithFile function, you can see the following code:

NSString *fullPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:path]; jpg = [[NSImage alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:fullPath];

We use the following code instead: p>

unsignedlong fileSize=0; unsignedchar * PFileData = cocos2d::CZHelperFunc::getFileData(path, " rb", &fileSize); NSData*adata=[[NSDataalloc]initWithBytes:pFileDatalength:fileSize]; delete[]pFileData; jpg = [[NSImagealloc]initWithData:adata]; < /span>

And in the CCImage::initWithImageFile function, I saw a familiar statement:

unsignedchar* pFileData= CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(strTemp.c_str( ), "rb",&fileSize);< /span>

I should be familiar with modifying this:

unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileData(strTemp.c_str(),< span class="hljs-string" style="color: #cc9393">"rb",&fileSize); 

In addition, the inclusion of the HelperFunc.h header file is definitely necessary, and the subsequent modifications are the same, so I won’t explain it every time.

Ok, now MAC supports encrypted image files. If you want to support encrypted plist files, you must also change the CCFileUtilsMac.mm file in the same directory. Find the CCFileUtilsMac::createCCDictionaryWithContentsOfFile function, the two sentences that need to be modified are:

NSString* pPath=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:fullPath.c_str()]; NSDictionary* pDict= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pPath];

You need to write a little more code than before:


unsignedlong fileSize=< span class="hljs-number" style="color: #8cd0d3">0; unsignedchar* pFileData= CZHelperFunc::getFileData(fullPath.c_str(), "rb",&fileSize); NSData*data=[[[NSDataalloc] initWithBytes:pFileData length:fileSize] autorelease]; delete[]pFileData; NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString*error; NSMutableDictionary*pDict= (NSMutableDictionary*)[ NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:data                            mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves                            format:&format                            errorDescription:&error];






另外在lib\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\textures目录下还有个文件CCTextureCache.cpp,我没细看,应该是跟TMX MAP的载入有点关系。里面也只是一条语句的事情,一起改掉吧,呵呵。









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