Cordova Android status bar is set to transparent

I am trying to use the plugin below to set the status bar to transparent. But I can’t achieve it, I can change it to a different color, but not transparent.
https:/ /

It also works on my Android 5.0.2, but not 5.0.

I tried like They suggested omitting the hexadecimal value but it didn’t work. I tried everything below and none of them set my status bar to transparent.

if (cordova.platformId =='android') {

I just found it and it is not mentioned in the documentation, but it is very simple:


Look, it works:)

I am trying to use the plugin below to make the status bar transparent. But I can’t achieve it, I It can be changed to a different color, but not transparent.

It also works on my Android 5.0.2 , But not for 5.0.

I tried to omit the hexadecimal value as they suggested but it didn’t work, I tried everything below, none of them set my status bar to Transparent.

if (cordova.platformId =='android') {
StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent() ;

I just found it, it is not mentioned in the documentation, but it is very simple:

Look, it works:)

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