Cordova – Creating Ion 1.x applications using Ion 2 CLI

I downloaded Ion 2, and I can use it to create applications just fine.
I followed the order to do so

ionic start cutePuppyPics1 --v2

But I still want to create a 1.x application. If I don’t remove ions globally and make global changes, what should I do?

It’s like

ionic start cutePuppyPics1 --v1

Install ionic 1.x.

I don’t want to delete the entire ionic module globally and start again.

Thank you.

Now Ionic has updated the Docs.

If we want to create an old version of Ionic App, please declare the version number when creating the App.

 ionic start cutePuppyPics --type ionic1

Create the latest version of Ionic App (i.e.-V2 or higher).

ionic start cutePuppyPics

I downloaded Ion 2, and I can use it to create an application just fine.
I followed the order to do this

ionic start cutePuppyPics1 --v2

But I still want to create a 1.x application. If I don’t remove ions globally and make global changes, what should I do?

It’s like

ionic start cutePuppyPics1 --v1

Install ionic 1.x.

I don’t want to delete the entire Ionic module globally and start again.

Thank you.

Now Ionic has updated Docs.

If we want to create an older version of Ionic App, please declare the version number when creating the App.

ionic start cutePuppyPics --type ionic1

< p>Create the latest version of Ionic App (i.e.-V2 or higher).

ionic start cutePuppyPics

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