iOS – explicitly add @ 2X to non-visual equipment

We have a mystery!

In our application, we only use retina images (@2x mark).
Until yesterday, non-retina devices displayed images well, even if we called without @2x at the end Image.

For example, if the file name is’[email protected]’, we call [UIImage imageWithName:@”fun”].

Today it stopped working, now we You must call [UIImage imageWithName:@“fun @ 2x”] to display the image. (The device is iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1).

We are now worried that we don’t know anything about retina naming.

What has changed?
What is the correct way to deal with it?

Thank you


You should provide Non-retina images! Downscaling is not a good choice. The problem here is that iOS is trying to find the fun.png image and can’t find it. So it can’t render something.

I didn’t explain why it worked before. Are you sure NS?

We have a mystery!

In our application, we only use retina images (@2x mark).
Until yesterday, non-retina devices displayed images well, even if we called without @2x at the end Image.

For example, if the file name is’[email protected]’, we call [UIImage imageWithName:@”fun”].

Today it stopped working, now we You must call [UIImage imageWithName:@“fun @ 2x”] to display the image. (The device is iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1).

We are now worried that we don’t know anything about retina naming.

What has changed?
What is the correct way to deal with it?

Thank you


You should provide non-retina images! Downscaling is not a good choice. The problem here is that iOS is trying to find the fun.png image and can’t find it. So it can’t render something.

I didn’t explain why it worked before. Are you sure NS?

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