How to support different iOS SDKs on Xcode 4.2?

After installing Xcode 4.2, there is only iOS 5.0 SDK in Xcode.
In addition, I should support iPhone 3G and iOS 4.2.1.
How to use one Xcode to support one application Two or more SDKs?
I tried to install Xcode 3 using iOS SDK 4.3, but Xcode crashed at startup.
The latest SDK includes All the necessary features in the previous SDK version. You shouldn’t worry about it. If you want to support iPhone 3G, just set the iOS deployment target to iOS 4.2 (or whatever you want) in the project settings of the Build Settings tab.

Don’t remember to test your app on the iOS version.

After installing Xcode 4.2, there is only iOS 5.0 SDK in Xcode. < br>In addition, I should support iPhone 3G and iOS 4.2.1.
How to use one Xcode to support two or more SDKs for one application?
I tried to install Xcode 3 using iOS SDK 4.3, but Xcode crashed on startup.

The latest SDK includes all the necessary features in the previous SDK version. You shouldn’t Worry about it. If you want to support iPhone 3G, just set the iOS deployment target to iOS 4.2 (or whatever you want) in the project settings of the Build Settings tab.

Don’t remember Test your application on the iOS version.

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