Silverlight 3: How to create a resized child window?

Is there a way to create a resizable child window in silverlight 3? Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
I don’t have any actual code, but you may want to subclass ChildWindow and add it in ChildWindow Handle MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove and MouseLeftButtonUp mouse events within a certain “boundary” of the edge or in a certain “grip” area (such as the lower right corner).

You may wish to use some standard drag and The drop logic detects that a resizing drag is being performed and uses the GetPosition() method of the MouseEventArgs class to update this.Width and this.Height based on relative mouse coordinates.

You may also want to check the FloatableWindow control on CodePlex, It is a refactored version of ChildWindow, which supports drag-and-drop movement and resizing.

Is there a way to create a resizable child window in silverlight 3? Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

I don’t have any actual code, but you may want to subclass ChildWindow and be within a certain “boundary” on the edge of ChildWindow or in a certain MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove and MouseLeftButtonUp mouse events are handled in the “grip” area (such as the lower right corner).

You may want to use some standard drag and drop logic to detect and use resize drags The GetPosition() method of the MouseEventArgs class updates this.Width and this.Height based on relative mouse coordinates.

You may also want to check the FloatableWindow control on CodePlex, which is a refactored version of ChildWindow that supports drag-and-drop movement And resize.

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