WCF – Silverlight fault

I tried to make the WCF Silverlight fault work as follows:
MSDN aricle

After adding the SL fault to my Web.config file, I Received the following warning:

The element’behavior’ has invalid child element’silverlightFaults’. List of possible elements expected:’serviceAuthorization, serviceCredentials, serviceMetadata, serviceSecurityAudit, serviceThrottling, dataContractSerializer, serviceDebug, serviceTimeouts, persistenceProvider, workflowRuntime’.

Ignoring the warning does not work, my Silverlight application cannot add WCF services.

Any ideas NS?

When adding behavior extensions, the type specification must be on one line. CRLF is not allowed in this section.

I tried to make WCF Silverlight failure work as follows:
MSDN aricle

After adding the SL failure to my Web.config file, I received the following warning:

The element’behavior’ has invalid child element’silverlightFaults’. List of possible elements expected:’serviceAuthorization, serviceCredentials, serviceMetadata, serviceSecurityAudit, serviceThrottling, dataContractSerializer, serviceDebug, serviceTimeouts, persistenceProvider, workflowRuntime’.

Ignoring the warning does not work, my Silverlight application cannot add WCF services.

Any ideas?

When adding behavior extensions, the type specification must be on one line. CRLF is not allowed in this part.

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