Move the sub-resource to another parent of REST

I have a REST service.

Now I need to have the function of moving some child resources from one parent to another, such as A book is moved from one author to another.

My variant is:

POST /api/books/x/moveto/y 

But how to create such an architect in a RESTful way?

From the perspective of REST, URLs should be used to locate resources rather than express operations. To express Operation, you should use existing HTTP verbs.

It seems that your “move” operation is to replace the author of this book.

And PUTMethod seems to be the way to go:


The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be
created or replaced with the state defined by the representation
enclosed in the request message payload. […]

So you can have the endpoint as shown below :

PUT /api/books/{bookId}/author

The request payload will contain the representation of the new author.

I have a REST service.

Now I need to have the ability to move some child resources from one parent to another, such as a book Move from one author to another.

My variant is:

POST /api/books/x/moveto/y

But how to create such an architect in a RESTful way?

From the perspective of REST, URLs should be used to locate resources instead of expressing operations. To express operations, existing HTTP verbs should be used.

< /p>

It seems that your “move” operation is to replace the author of this book.

And the PUT method seems to be the way to go:


The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be
created or replaced with the state defined by the representation
enclosed in the request message payload. […]

So, you can have an endpoint like the following:

PUT /api/books/{bookId}/author

The request payload will contain a representation of the new author.

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