Internet-Explorer – Video capture using Upload for Windows 10 Mobile

I have been using UPLOAD for Windows 10 Mobile to research video capture, and it seems impossible to achieve it at the moment. I use the following:

This allows you to select a mobile webcam as the signal source, but you can only take pictures. On Android and iOS, the camera is ready to open, Video can be recorded, and you can upload it as part of the “multipart/form-data” POST request.

On the web, there are many examples that can display a webcam in a video element and capture a single frame from it , But cannot capture the complete video for upload. There is no example of actually opening the camera from the web page on Windows Phone on the Internet (I use Edge Browser on Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview).

I also use the following code , You can take a still image from the webcam stream (taken from MicrosoftEdge/Demos/photocapture):

var initializeVideoStream = function(stream) {
mediaStream = stream ;

var video = document.getElementById('videoTag');
if (typeof (video.srcObject) !=='undefined') {
video.srcObject = mediaStream ;
else {
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaStream);

video: {
width: 640,
height: 360,
deviceId: {exact: webcamList[currentCam] }

Using the MediaStream object to call initializeVideoStream, however, it seems impossible to This pipeline is transmitted to a Blob or other stream, which will allow you to save it and finally publish it to the server.

The HTML5 MediaRecorder API looks promising, however, not many vendors implement it.< /p>

I also found this hack Recording Audio & Video with HTML5 (co-starring Meteor), but because Edge Browser does not support the webp format, this is not possible.

I am online Some other resources found include (but did not cover video uploads):

http://ryanjoy. com/2014/04/file-upload-in-ie11-on-windows-phone-8-1/ -explorer-10-brings-html5-to-windows-phone-8-in-a-big-way/


HTMLInputElement on MSDN

< /div>

The “accept” attribute is definitely not supported at this time.

The Edge status is displayed as ” Under Consideration”, at only 65 votes.

If you are interested in implementing HTTP client hints on Edge ( Also known as “accepting”) are interested, please Make sure to vote in the URL above.

Some other aspects of providing feedback on Microsoft Edge.

> Errors in Edge and IE – ie/feedback
>Developer Feedback Homepage –
>Developer Feedback Twitter – https://www.twitter .com/msedgedev
>Feature Suggestions-

I hope it helps .Healy is in Tampa.

I have been using UPLOAD for Windows 10 Mobile to research video capture, and it seems impossible to achieve it at the moment. I use the following:

This allows you to select a mobile webcam as the signal source, but you can only take pictures .On Android and iOS, the camera is open and ready to record video, you can upload it as part of the “multipart/form-data” POST request.

On the web, there are many examples available in the video The webcam is displayed in the element, and a single frame is captured from it, but the complete video cannot be captured for upload. There is no example of actually opening the camera from the web page on the Windows Phone on the network (I use Edge Browser on Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview). /p>

I also use the following code, you can take a still image from the webcam stream (taken from MicrosoftEdge/Demos/photocapture):

var initializeVideoStream = function (stream) {
mediaStream = stream;

var video = document.getElementById('videoTag' );
if (typeof (video.srcObject) !=='undefined') {
video.srcObject = mediaStream;
else {
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaStream);

video: {
width: 640,
height: 360,
deviceId: {exact: webcamList[currentCam] }
}).then(initializeVideoStream).catch(getUserMediaError);< /pre>

Use the MediaStream object to call initializeVideoStream, however, it seems impossible to pipe this to a Blob or other stream, which will allow you to save it and finally publish it to the server.

HTML5 MediaRecorder API It seems promising, however, not many vendors have implemented it.

I also found this hack Recording Audio & Video with HTML5 (co-starring Meteor), however, because Edge Browser does not support webp Format, this is not acceptable.

Some other resources I found on the Internet include (but do not cover video uploads): demos/photocapture/

https: // gs-html5-to-windows-phone-8-in-a-big-way/


HTMLInputElement on MSDN

At this time, the "accept" attribute is definitely not supported.

Edge status is displayed as "Under Consideration", in status/httpclienthints/?filter=f3f0000bf&search=accept has only 65 votes.

If you are interested in implementing HTTP client hints (also known as "accept") on Edge, please make sure in the URL above Vote.

Some other aspects of providing feedback on Microsoft Edge.

> Errors in Edge and IE –
>Developer Feedback Homepage –
>Developer Feedback Twitter –
>Feature suggestions –

Hope it helps. Healy is in Tampa .

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