Simulated Telnet Protocol C Language Client Program

First of all, we must understand the telnet protocol. The following two blogs gave me preliminary ideas. This one is relatively basic Introduction and explanation of the meaning of IAC commands The program written in C# is very complete. Some of the IAC instruction processing here is a direct reference to his program, so the comments have not been modified. I still use his comments.

After reading the above two articles, you can understand this The content of the program from the second po is relatively simple


#ifndef __UTILS__H#define __UTILS__H#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include < errno.h>#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef signed long int ssize_t;typedef unsigned long int size_t;ssize_t readn(int fd, void *vptr,size_t n);ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *vptr, size_t n);ssize_t readline(int fd,void *vptr,size_t maxlen);#endif

utils. c

 #include"utils.h"ssize_t readn(int fd, void *vptr,size_t n){ size_t nleft; ssize_t nread; char *ptr; ptr = vptr; nleft = n; while(nleft >0) {if((nread = read(fd,ptr,nleft))<0) {if(errno == EINTR)//error: EAGAIN, which means that under non-blocking, no data arrives at this time, return immediately. nread = 0; //error: EINTR, indicating that it was interrupted by a signal. else return (-1);} else if(nread == 0) break; else /* do nothing */ nleft -= nread; ptr += nread;} ​​return n-nleft;//How many bytes actually read} ssize_t writen(int fd, const void *vptr, size_t n){ size_t nleft; ssize_t nwritten; const char *ptr; ptr = vptr; nleft = n; while(nleft> 0) {if((nwritten = write(fd, ptr,nleft)) <0) {if(nwritten <0 && errno == EINTR) {nwritten = 0;} else return (-1);} else if(nwritten == 0) break; else //nwritten> 0 {/*do nothing*/} nleft = nleft-nwritten; ptr = ptr + nwritten;} return (n- nleft);//how many bytes actually written) ssize_t readline(int fd,void *vptr,size_t maxlen) {ssize_t n =0,rc; char c,*ptr; ptr = vptr; while(1) {if((rc = read(fd,&c,1)) == 1) {*ptr++ = c; n++; if(c =='
') break;} else if (rc == 0) {*ptr =''; return (n -1);} else {if(errno == EINTR) continue ; else return (-1);}} *ptr =''; return n;}


#ifndef __TELNET__H#define __TELNET__H //#define IAC 255//command word#define NUL 0#define BEL 7#define BS 8#define HT 9#define LF ?10#define VT ?11#define FF ?12#define CR? 13#define SE 240#define NOP? 241#define DM 242#define BRK? 243#define IP 244#define AO ​​245#define AYT? 246#define EC 247#define EL 248#define GA 249#define SB 250#define WILL 251#define WONT 252#define DO 253#define DONT 254typedef unsigned char uint8;typedef unsigned int uint32;/ /operation optionstypedef enum tagOPERATION_OPTIONS{ TOPT_BIN = 0, TOPT_ECHO = 1, TOPT_RECN = 2, TOPT_SUPP = 3 }OPERATION_OPTIONS;uint32 get_every_frame(uint8* recvbuf,uint32 len,uint8* sendbuf,uint32 sendlen); #pendiftelnet.c

#include"telnet.h"#include#include#define MAXLINE 1024#define SEND 1#define IS 0static uint32 handle_telnetcmd_from_server(uint8* buf,uint32 len,uint8* resp,uint32 n);static uint32 process_every_frame(uint8* startByte,uint8* endByte,uint8* sendbuf,uint32 startSendByte);uint32 get_every_frame,uint8* recbuflen ,uint32 sendlen){ uint32 i =0,n=0,sum =0; //uint8* p = sendbuf; uint8* pRear = &recvbuf[len]; uint8* startByte = recvbuf; uint8* endByte = recvbuf; printf(" -sum-receivelen----%d-------
",len); printf("receive :<*"); for(i =0;i
"); while(startByte != pRear ) {if(*startByte == IAC) {sum = sum + n; switch(*(++endByte)) {/*fa 250 */case SB:while(*(++endByte) != SE){} ;n = process_every_frame(startByte,endByte,sendbuf,sum);break; /*fb 251 */case WILL:endByte +=2;n = process_every_frame(startByte,endByte,sendbuf,sum);break; /*fc 252 * /case WONT:endByte +=2;n = process_every_frame(startByte,endByte,sendbuf,sum);break; /*fd 253 */case DO:endByte +=2;n = process_every_frame(startByte,endByte,sendbuf,sum) ;break; /*fe 254 */case DONT:endByte +=2;n = process_every_frame(startByte,endByte,sendbuf,sum);break; /* 240 */case SE:break; /* sss */default: break ;}} startByte = endByte;} if(sum> sendlen) {printf("--error3---sum> MAXLINE-----
");} printf("--------- -----sum is %d ----
",sum); return sum;}static uint32 process_every_frame(uint8* startByte,uint8* endByte,uint8* sendbuf,uint32 startSen dByte){ uint8 n = 0; uint8* pstartByte = startByte; while(pstartByte != endByte) {n++; pstartByte++;} return handle_telnetcmd_from_server(startByte,n,&sendbuf[startSendByte],MAXLINE);}static uint32 handle_telnetcmd_from_ufserver(uint8 ,uint32 len,uint8* resp,uint32 n){ uint32 i =0; uint8 *p = resp; OPERATION_OPTIONS optionCode; uint8 cmdCode,ch; uint32 resplen =0; memset(resp,0,len); //first display cmd from server in string printf("--receivelen----%d-------
",len); printf("receive :<*"); for(i =0 ;i
"); if(len <3) {printf("IAC command length is %d less then 3
" ,len); return -1;} //Get the command code cmdCode = buf[1]; //Get the option code optionCode = buf[2]; //response requests from server *p = IAC; resplen++; if(optionCode = = TOPT_ECHO || optionCode == TOPT_SUPP) {if (cmdCode == DO) { //I set the command code I answered to 251 (WILL) to support echo or suppress to continue ch = WILL; *(++p) = ch; *(++p) = optionCode; resplen += 2; } //If the command code is 254(DONT) else if (cmdCode == DONT) {//I set the command code I answered to 252(WONT), that is, I will also "refuse to start" echo or suppress to continue ch = WONT; *(++p)= ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2;} //If the command code is 251(WILL) else if (cmdCode == WILL) {//I set The command code I answered is 253 (DO), which means I approve that you use echo or suppression to continue ch = DO; *(++p) = ch; *(++p) = optionCode; resplen += 2; / /break;} //If the received command code is 251(WONT) ​​else if (cmdCode == WONT) ​​{//In response, I also reject the option request to echo or suppress to continue ch = DONT; *(++p) = ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2; // break;} //If 250 is received (sb, the start of the flag sub-option) else if (cmdCode == SB) {/* * Because of the start The sub-flag bit is added, and the command length is extended to 4 Byte, * Take the last flag byte as the option code * If the option code byte is 1 (send) * then the postback is 250 (the start of the SB sub-option) + the second byte obtained + 0 (is) + 255 (flag bit IAC) + 240 (end of SE sub-option) */ ch = buf[3]; if (ch == SEND) {ch = SB; *(++p) = ch; *(++p )= optionCode; *(++p)= IS; *(++p)= IAC; *(++p)= SE; resplen += 5;} else {printf("ch != SEND
") ;}} else {/* do nothing */}} else/* If the option code is not 1 or 3 */ {// The following series of representatives, no matter what kind of request you send, I will not do it if (cmdCode == DO ) {ch = WONT; *(++p)= ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2;} else if (cmdCode == DONT) {ch = WONT; *(++p)= ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2;} else if (cmdCode == WILL) {c h = DONT; *(++p)= ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2;} else if (cmdCode == WONT) ​​{ch = DONT; *(++p)= ch; *(++p)= optionCode; resplen += 2;} else {/* do nothing */}} printf("--resplen---%d-------
",resplen); printf("response :<*"); for(i =0 ;i
"); if( n 


//gcc client.c -o client#include"utils.h"#include"telnet.h"#define IP_ADDRESS ""#define IP_PORT 23#define SERV_PORT 3333#define MAXLINE 1024typedef struct sockaddr SA;void str_cli(FILE *fp,uint32 sockfd);uint32 max(uint32 a,uint32 b);void ERR_EXIT(char* s);uint32 main(uint32 argc,u int32 **argv){ uint32 sockfd,isReady=0; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; uint32 hname[128]; sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); bzero(&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET servaddr.sin_port = htons(IP_PORT); servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDRESS); printf("servaddr: IP is %s, Port is %d
",inet_ntoa(servaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(servaddr.sin_port )); while(connect(sockfd,(SA*)&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr))){}; printf("connect has been ready
"); str_cli(stdin,sockfd); exit(0); return 0 ;}void ERR_EXIT(char* s){ perror(s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}void INFO_PRINT(char* s){ printf("%s",s);}uint32 max(uint32 a,uint32 b){ return (a>b?a:b);}void str_cli(FILE *fp,uint32 sockfd){ uint32 maxfdp1,nready;//stdineof; fd_set rset; uint8 buf[MAXLINE]; uint8 respbuff[MAXLINE] = {0} ;; uint32 resplen; uint32 n; uint8 echo_cmd[] = {0xff,0xfb,0x01}; //stdineof = 0; FD_ZERO(&rset); writen(sockfd,echo_ cmd,3); for(;;) {//if(stdineof == 0) FD_SET(fileno(fp),&rset); FD_SET(sockfd,&rset); maxfdp1 = max(fileno(fp),sockfd)+1 ; nready = select(maxfdp1,&rset,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(nready <0) {ERR_EXIT("ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!");} if(FD_ISSET(sockfd,&rset)) {memset(buf,0,MAXLINE); if((n = read(sockfd,buf,MAXLINE))==0 ) {ERR_EXIT("str_cli:server termination prematurely");} buf[n] =''; //printf("FD_ISSET(sockfd,&rset)-------------%s 
",buf); if(buf[0] == IAC) {memset(respbuff,0,MAXLINE); resplen = get_every_frame(buf,n,respbuff,MAXLINE); writen(sockfd,respbuff,resplen);} else {writen(fileno(stdout),(char *)buf,n);} //writen(fil eno(stdout),buf,n);} if(FD_ISSET(fileno(fp),&rset)) {memset(buf,0,MAXLINE); if((n = readline(fileno(fp),(char *)buf ,MAXLINE)) == 0) {//stdineof = 1;//At this time, EOF is encountered and the FIN sequence is about to occur, so the standard input is unreadable shutdown(sockfd,SHUT_WR); FD_CLR(fileno(fp),&rset) ; INFO_PRINT("nothing input!"); continue;} else if(n >0) {/* do nothing */} else {ERR_EXIT("some error occurred ");} //printf("FD_ISSET(fileno(fp ),&rset)----%d--
",n); //memset(buf,0,MAXLINE); writen(sockfd,(char *)buf,n);} }}


all:Client_telnet @echo "" @echo "This is telnet Client compile......." @echo "" Client_telnet:client.o utils. o telnet.o gcc -g -o Client_telnet client.o utils.o telnet.o client.o:client.c utils.h telnet.h gcc -g -c client.c utils.o:utils.c utils.h gcc -g -c utils.c telnet.o:telnet.c telnet.h gcc -g -c telnet.c clean:- rm client.o utils.o telnet.o Client_telnet

The source code program used in this program above runs on the Linux system as ./Client_telnet

Then the screenshot is like this :

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