Hibernate – JPA @LOB attribute encoding cannot be used with PostgreSQL text

JPA Mapping

I am using JPA and Hibernate. I have an entity with @Lob attributes

private String text;

I am using PostgreSQL 8.4 and entities are correctly mapped to columns

"text" text NOT NULL

My view page uses UTF-8 encoding, and my URL connection also uses the correct encoding:

In addition, I am The client_encoding on posgreSQL is Unicode (using query tool) or UTF-8 (using psql).


Although I can read/save data, but when I display it There will be some encoding issues, such as display.

Another message is that I have another String attribute on the same entity, which correctly displays the same content of the @Lob attribute.

I also exported the text attribute of psql to the test.txt file, the content is normal.

I tested the value of the attribute before persisting (debugging), and the value is correct.


based on this try to add a comment after @Lob @Type(type = “org.hibernate.type.StringClobType”)

JPA Mapping

I am using JPA and Hibernate. I have an entity with @Lob attribute

< pre>@Column(nullable=false)
private String text;

I am using PostgreSQL 8.4 and the entity It has been correctly mapped to the column

"text" text NOT NULL

My view page uses UTF-8 encoding, and my URL connection is also correct Encoding:


In addition, my client_encoding on posgreSQL is Unicode (using query tool) or UTF-8 (using psql).


Although I can read Fetch/save data, but when I display it, there will be some encoding issues, such as display.

Another message is that I have another String attribute on the same entity, which correctly displays the @Lob attribute The same content.

I also exported the text attribute of psql to the test.txt file, and the content is normal.

I tested the value of the attribute before persisting (debugging), and The value is correct.

Based on this, try to add the annotation @Type(type=“org.hibernate.type.StringClobType”) after @Lob.

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