Jetty Settings Request Form Maximum

In general development, the Jetty plugin is used, but when the submitted form is too large, errors will occur.

Development environment:

eclipse Neon. 1a Release (4.6.1)

jetty-maven-plugin 8.1.16.v20140903

maven 3.3.9

Error message:

< p>java.lang.IllegalStateExeption: Form too large 887499>200000

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.extractParameters(Request.jav:352)

Reason:< /p>

The request.getParameter method of jetty has a limitation on the data length. The default is 200000Byte, and an exception will occur if it exceeds 200000Byte.


Find the answer on the Internet:



Jetty6:org.mortbay .jetty.Request.maxFormContentSize=-1

You can also add the following code in jetty.xml:

jetty9: (same as jetty8, not tested)

Jetty8: (According to the author, jetty9 can be used, which is inconsistent with the official jetty-web-xml, but it can be tested personally)



Jetty7: (not tested)


Jetty6: (not tested)

org.mortbay.jetty .Request.maxFormContentSize

jetty-web-xml-examples: (For details, refer to the reference below Sample URL)

Thank them for sharing!!!

Reference URL:

http: //

http: // (jetty9 ) (manual modification) current/jetty-web-xml-config.html

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