Nginx location fix: redirection to index.html

I am running nginx v 1.0.4, and we are trying to do the following:

location ~ ^/${ 
rewrite ^.*$ /index.html last;

Basically: if the user reaches the default domain or http://www redirects it to

When I add it to my conf file, I get the following:
Start nginx in /etc/nginx/myconf.conf: nginx: [emerg] unknown command “”

Thanks in advance.

You can use the rewrite function without a location

rewrite ^/$ /index.html last;

Or permanent redirection

rewrite ^/$ /index.html permanent;

Rewrite with parameters, for example –>

rewrite ^/ (\?.*)?$ /index.html$1 permanent;

I am running nginx v 1.0.4, and we are trying to do the following:

< /p>

location ~ ^/${
rewrite ^.*$/index.html last;

Basically: if The user reaches the default domain or and redirects them to

When I add it to my conf file, I get the following:
in Start nginx in /etc/nginx/myconf.conf: nginx: [emerg] unknown command “”

Thanks in advance.

You You can use the rewrite function without a location

rewrite ^/$ /index.html last;

Or permanent redirection< /p>

rewrite ^/$ /index.html permanent;

Rewrite with parameters, such as –> Http://

rewrite ^/(\?.*)?$ /index.html$1 permanent ;

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