Nginx forward proxy & reverse agent

1, forward proxy

1. I can’t access a certain website, but I can access a proxy server. This proxy server can access the website that I can’t access< /span>

2. So I connected to the proxy server first and told him that I need the content that cannot be accessed on the website, proxy The server fetched it back, and then returned it to me.

3. The client must set up a forward proxy server, of course, the premise is to know the The IP address of the proxy server and the port of the proxy program.

4. For example, you have used this kind of software before, such as CCproxy, http: // The proxy address needs to be configured in the browser.

forward proxy Function:

1. Access the previously inaccessible Resources, such as google

2. Can be cached to speed up access to resources

3. Authorize client access and authenticate online p>

4. The agent can record user access records (online behavior management) and hide user information from the outside< /p>

2, reverse proxy

1. The reverse proxy is transparent to the user, and the client can access the service without any configuration.

2. The actual operation mode refers to the proxy server to accept the connection request on the internet , And then forward the request to a server on the internal network.

3.and return the result from the server For clients requesting a connection on the internet, the proxy server acts as a server externally.

3. Reverse proxy usage scenarios< /h4>

1.Guarantee the security of the internal network, you can use reverse proxy to provide WAF function to prevent web attacks

Example:< /strong>Large websites usually use reverse proxy as the public network access address, and the web server is the intranet

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2.Load balancing, through reverse proxy server to optimize website Load

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