Install packages jdk, csvn, tortisesvn
1. Create a new folder
sudo mkdir /usr/local/java
2.. Copy the files to /usr/local/java
cp jdk-12.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz /usr/local/java
3.. Enter the directory
cd /usr/local/java
4.. Unzip
sudo tar zxvf jdk -12.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
5.. Set environment variables
vi /etc/profile

Add the following content at the end

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_211/

export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
< br /> export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

6.. Make environment variables take effect

source /etc/profile
7.. Check
java -version

Build csvn
1. Create user and password
useradd -m csvn
passwd csvn
2. Create database
mkdir /data
3 .Unzip to the database
tar xf CollabNetSubversionEdge-4.0.11_linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /data/
4. Go to the database
cd /data/
5. Give the owner group Authority
chown -R csvn.csvn csvn
6. Give authority
vim /etc/sudoers
under root ALL=(ALL) ALL
add csvn ALL=(ALL) ALL < br>7. Go to the csvn user
su csvn
8.sudo -E /data/csvn/bin/csvn install
Create a password for csvn
9. View
vim csvn/data /conf/c svn.conf
10. Start
csvn/bin/csvn start
11. Enter back to the root user
su root
12. Turn off the firewall
systemctl stop firewalld

< p>13. Close SElinux
setenforce 0

Access the page
1. Visit the website (virtual machine ip): 3343 (port)/csvn

User name: admin
Password: admin
2. Click Repository
Create Repository

Build Tortisesvn Turtle

1. Confirm the code base 

Create a new folder [svn_repo] on Disk E

Determine the path and copy the URL to be used when logging in next

Reserve Copy the path to the path

2. Create a new folder on the D drive (as your own version library) [working]

3. Go to the working inside and right in the blank space Click Checkout to upload the code base

Then this page will appear

This page means that the code base has been submitted successfully

4. In the code base Create a directory (folder) inside [my_pdj]

5. Add a file under the directory [111.txt 222.txt.....]

6. Go back Directory upload directory
(1) Right-click and select the Add option under TortoiseSVN

(2) Select the file to be added (uploaded file), and check the one to be added

After the selection is successful, select OK

(3) Right click and select SVN Update

The following page will be displayed

Click OK
< br />(4) Right click and select SVN Commit to submit

The following page will appear

Check the selection to be submitted and click OK

7 Open TortoiseSVN software
8. Select Add Project

The following page will appear

9. Add the name and URL path address of the code library

10. Successfully uploaded files from the code base

The original document link

https://note.youdao.com/ynoteshare1/index.html?id=3f2f2ecaf8a366e844f5e16240577ec4&type =note

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