CentOS6.5 Configuring Wireless Networks

Since the server version is installed, it cannot connect to the network when it is powered on. The following situations are for the driver already installed OK. Follow the steps as follows (the following operations are performed under super administrator authority by default):

1. Test whether wpa_supplicant is installed on the computer. There are various test methods. Enter wpa_supplicant in the console and press Enter to view the output information. Command not found means that wpa_supplicant is not installed. If the output is help information, skip to step 6.

2. Insert the USB flash drive when you installed the system, execute the command fdisk -l to find out the corresponding disk of your USB flash drive, remember the front /dev/sd* (mine is /dev/sdb1)< /p>

3. Mount the USB flash drive to your system, execute the command mkdir /mnt/usbdisc;mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/usbdisc and press Enter.

4. Use the cd command to enter the u disk, cd /mnt/usbdisc/ and press Enter, find the Packages and enter, and press cd Packages and press Enter.

5. Execute the installation command (usually there is wpa_supplicant inside, so skip checking this item, if you have to check, you can use ll | grep wpa_supplicant) rpm -ivh wpa_supplicant and press Enter.

6. Configure wpa_supplicant interface and driver, execute: vi /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant, press a to enter insert mode, edit as follows:

|# Use the flag “-i” before each of your interfaces, like so:

|# INTERFACES=”-ieth1 -iwlan0″

|INTERFACES=”-iwlan0″ |


|# Use the flag “-D” before each driver, like so:

|# DRIVERS=”-Dwext”


Press ESC to enter the command mode and input: “:x” and press Enter to save the file.

6. Start configuring the wireless network, execute the command vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 and press a to enter the insert mode, and modify the content as follows:

DEVICE=wlan0< br>HWADDR=**:**:**:**:**:**(Network card physical address)

Note: * represents any number

The method of saving the file is the same as above.

7. Restart the network service service network restart.

8. Configure the wpa_supplicant access point (directly select the command mode configuration), execute the command as follows:

wpa_passphrase yourWifi passWord >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Add the connection information directly to the file.

8. Start wpa_supplicant. The execution command is as follows:

wpa_passphrase yourWifi abcd1234 >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

9. Start the wireless network card, execute the command as follows:

ifup wlan0


Without any accident, your wireless network has been successfully connected

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