UTF-8 – ELF symbol can be expressed in UTF8?

Is it possible that the symbols in the ELF table use UTF8 characters or are they limited to ASCII?

Note: This is not the problem I am trying to solve, but more problems I want to know.

ELF string table uses NUL-terminated strings, so you can store UTF-8 encoded symbol names in it.

In other words, use Tools for these symbols need to support Unicode to work properly. For example:

>Does your programming language tool chain correctly classify the specified Unicode “characters” as letters, numbers, or punctuation marks.
> Is it possible to use right-to-left (or top-to-bottom) scripts.
>Does your system correctly render symbols written in complex scripts (Arabic, Thai, etc.).
>When creating symbols Is it possible to mix characters from different scripts.
>For those tools that must generate sorted output, does the sorting work as expected?


< p>Maybe the symbols in the ELF table use UTF8 characters or are they limited to ASCII?

Note: This is not the problem I am trying to solve, but more problems I want to know.

ELF characters The string table uses NUL-terminated strings, so you can store UTF-8 encoded symbol names in it.

In other words, tools that use these symbols need to support Unicode to work properly. For example, :

>Whether your programming language tool chain correctly classifies the specified Unicode “characters” as letters, numbers or punctuation marks.
>Can you use right-to-left (or top-to- Below) scripts written.
>Does your system correctly render symbols written in complex scripts (Arabic, Thai, etc.).
>Is it possible to mix characters from different scripts when creating symbols.
>For those tools that must generate sorted output, does sorting work as expected?


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