How to make the code access code in my Git Repo?

We are hiring a freelancer to handle part of our web application – and I want to restrict him to only the front-end part of our code base – is there a way to do this in Git operate? We are using bitbucket to host the repo. We have a lot of unique pre-backend code, we don’t want him to see, he doesn’t need to see it to complete his work.
You can use the filter branch to create a new branch that only contains the history of the path to the file. Push this branch to another repository. Grant him the repo Right. Pull his changes from that repo. Merge the branch in the original repository to merge its work with the rest of the code.

We are hiring a freelancer The author handles part of our web application-and I want to restrict him to only the front-end part of our code base-is there a way to do this in Git? We are using bitbucket to host the repo. We have a lot of unique pre-backend code, we don’t want him to see, he doesn’t need to see it to complete his work.

You can use the filter branch to create a new branch containing only the history of the path that contains only the files. Push this branch to another repository. Grant him the right to that repo. Pull his from that repo Changes. Merge the branch in the original repository to merge its work with the rest of the code.

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