RW_ “Data Structure” 9-10 chapter [internal sort and lookup]

2016.09.03 –09.07
[Personal notes, there may be errors]

The notes about sorting or searching [this time Also]:
[1] Re-set search and sorting
[2] Implementation of internal sorting algorithm (C)
[3] Level improvement of quick sorting
[4] Heap (data structure) and Heap sorting
[5] Bitmap mark binary search bit binary search
[6] File sorting


1 Internal sorting

Internal sorting refers to the sorting process with sorting records stored in the computer’s random access memory.
If the internal sorting methods are classified according to different principles in the sorting process, they can be roughly divided into five categories: insertion sort, exchange sort, selective sort, merge sort and cardinal sort; if required in the internal sorting process Can be divided into three categories: [1] Simple sorting method, its time complexity is O(< span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1.976em 1000em 2.723em -0.477em); top: -2.557em; left: 0.003 em;">n2)< /span> ; [2] Advanced sorting method, its time complexity is O(nlogn)< /span> ; [3] base order, its The time complexity is O( dn) .

Usually, sorting involves two basic operations: [1] compare the size of two keywords; [2] exchange keyword positions.

1.1 Insert Sort

(1) Direct Insert Sort

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C code implementation.

/* direct_insert.c * Direct insertion sorting (plus loop test conditions)-Example of arrayed integer array elements (ascending order) * 2016.09< /span>.03 */#include void direct_insert(int *ar, unsigned len){ int v; unsigned i, k; if (!ar || 2> len) return; for (i = 1 ; i if (ar[i] 1 ]) {v = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[i-1];  for (k = i-1; k> 0 && v 1]; ar[k] = v;} }}/* Simple test direct_insert Function*//*int main(void){ int  ar[] = {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; int ar_len; int i; ar_len = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar [0]); direct_insert(ar, ar_len); for (i = 0; i printf("%d ", ar[i]); printf("
 "); return 0;}*/

(2) Hill sort

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/* shell_sort.c * Simple implementation of shell sorting-take integer array ascending order as an example * 2016.09.04 */#include /* one shell sort*/void  shell_sort_once(int *ar, unsigned ar_len, unsigned ic){ int i, j; int v; for (i = ic; i // Followed by ar[ic...len-1] One element is the base point if (ar[i] for (j = i-ic ; j >= 0 && v // Take ar[i] as Base point, every ic elements is a set of sequences ar[j + ic] = ar[j]; ar[j + ic] = v;} }} /* The entire shell is sorted, and the sorting interval should eventually be 1 */void shell_sort_all(int *ar, unsigned ar_len, unsigned *ic, unsigned< /span> ic_len){ int k; for (k = 0; k /* Simple test shell sorting*/int main(void){ int i ; int ar_len, ic_len; int ic[] = { 5, 2, 1}; int  ar[] = {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; ar_len = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar[0]); ic_len = sizeof(ic) / sizeof( ic[0]); shell_sort_all(ar, ar_len, ic, ic_len); for (i = < span class="hljs-number">0; i printf(" %d ", ar [i]); printf("
"); return 0;}

1.2 Quick sort h2>

(1) Quick Sort Ideas
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/* general_quick_sort.c * Common quick sort based on the idea of ​​quick sort-take integer array as an example (ascending order) */#include /* Quick sort in one trip*/int quick_sort_once(int *ar, int low, int high){ int v; if (!ar) return; v = ar[low]; // You can randomly select an element in the sequence to exchange with ar[0] // Split the sequence at once while  (low // Put elements smaller than v in front of v while span> (low = v) high--; ar[low] = ar[high]; // put elements larger than v to v Behind while (low return low;}/* quick sort recursion*/void quick_sort_all(int *ar, int low, int high){ int r_low; if (low //Return conditions r_low = quick_sort_once(ar, low, high); // Split sequence quick_sort_all(ar, low, r_low-1); // Recursion- Smallest priority first quick_sort_all(ar, r_low + 1, high); }}/* Simple test and quick Sort*/int main(void){ int i; int ar_len; int ar[] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1}; ar_len = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar[0]); < span class="hljs-comment">//quick_sort_once(ar, 0, ar_len-1); quick_sort_all(ar, 0, ar_len-1); for (i = 0; i printf("%d ", ar[i]); printf("
"); return 0;}

(2) Quick sort optimization –> O(nlogn2)
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1.3 selection sort

(1) Simple selection sort

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(2) Heap sorting

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Write the picture description here

1.4 Merge Sort

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2 Find

Introduce the data structure-lookup table that is used extensively in practical applications. Search means a collection consisting of elements of the same type.

Keyword is the value of a data item in a data element, and it can be used to identify a data element. If this keyword can uniquely identify a record, it is called the primary keyword. Conversely, the keywords used to identify several records are called secondary keywords.

Find. According to a given value, an element whose key is equal to the given value is determined in the lookup table.

Static/dynamic lookup table. If only a lookup or query operation is performed on a lookup table, such a table is called a static lookup table. If a data element that does not exist in the lookup table is inserted during the search process, or an existing data element is deleted from the lookup table, such a table is called a dynamic lookup table.

Average search length. In order to determine the position of the record in the lookup table, the expectation of the number of keywords that need to be compared with the given value is called the average lookup length of the lookup algorithm when the lookup is successful.

2.1 Static lookup table

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2.2 Dynamic lookup table

The characteristic of the dynamic lookup table is that the table structure itself is dynamically generated during the search process, that is, for a given value key, if the table is If there is a record whose key is equal to key, the search returns successfully, otherwise, the record whose key is equal to key is inserted.
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here Write picture description

2.3 Hash Table

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3 Memory Management

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2016.09.03 –09.07
[personal notes, there may be errors]

The notes about sorting or searching in the past [this time]:
[1] Re-collection of searching and sorting
[2] Implementation of internal sorting algorithm (C)
[3] Level improvement of quick sorting
[4] Heap (data structure) and heap sorting
[5] Bitmap mark binary search bit binary search
[6] File sorting


1 Internal sorting

Internal sorting means that the sorted records are stored in Computer random storage The sorting process in the storage.
If the internal sorting methods are classified according to different principles in the sorting process, they can be roughly divided into five categories: insertion sort, exchange sort, selective sort, merge sort and cardinal sort; if required in the internal sorting process Can be divided into three categories: [1] Simple sorting method, its time complexity is O(< span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1.976em 1000em 2.723em -0.477em); top: -2.557em; left: 0.003em ;">n2 ) span> < /span>; [2] Advanced sorting method, its time complexity is O(nlog n) ; [3] Cardinal sorting, its time complexity For O(dn) .

Usually, sorting involves two basic operations: [1] compare the size of two keywords; [2] exchange keyword positions.

1.1 Insert Sort

(1) Direct Insert Sort

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C code implementation.

/* direct_insert.c * Direct insertion sorting (plus loop test conditions)-Example of arrayed integer array elements (ascending order) * 2016.09< /span>.03 */#include void direct_insert(int *ar, unsigned len){ int v; unsigned i, k; if (!ar || 2> len) return; for (i = 1 ; i if (ar[i] 1 ]) {v = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[i-1];  for (k = i-1; k> 0 && v 1]; ar[k] = v;} }}/* Simple test direct_insert function *//*int main(void){ int< /span> ar[] = {6, 5,  4, 3, 2, 1< /span>}; int ar_len; int i; ar_len = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar[ 0]); direct_insert(ar, ar_len); for (i = 0; i printf("%d ", ar[i]); printf("
" ); return 0;}*/

(2) Hill sort

write picture description here

/* shell_sort.c * Simple implementation of shell sorting-take integer array ascending order as an example * 2016.09.04 */#include /* one shell sort*/void  shell_sort_once(int *ar, unsigned ar_len, unsigned ic){ int i, j; int v; for (i = ic; i // Followed by ar[ic...len-1] One element is the base point if (ar[i] for (j = i-ic ; j >= 0 && v < ar[j]; j -= ic) // 以ar[i]为基点,每隔ic个元素的为一组序列                ar[j + ic] = ar[j];            ar[j + ic]  = v;        }    }} /* 整个shell排序, 排序间隔最终要为1 */void shell_sort_all(int *ar, unsigned ar_len, unsigned *ic, unsigned< /span> ic_len){    int k;    for (k = 0; k < ic_len; k++)        shell_sort_once(ar, ar_len, ic[k]);}/* 简单测试shell排序*/int main(void){    int i;    int ar_len, ic_len;    int ic[] = {5, 2, 1};    int ar[] = {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};    ar_len  = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar[0]);    ic_len  = sizeof(ic) / sizeof(ic[0]);    shell_sort_all(ar, ar_len, ic, ic_len);    for (i = 0; i < ar_len; ++i)        printf("%d ", ar[i]) ;    printf("
");    return 0;}

1.2 快速排序

(1) 快速排序思想

/* general_quick_sort.c * 按照快速排序思想实现的常见的快速排序 - 以整型数组为例(升序) */#include /* 一趟快速排序 */int quick_sort_once(int *ar, int low, int high){    int v;    if (!ar) return;    v   = ar[low]; // 可随机选择序列中的某一个元素来和ar[0]交换    // 一次分割序列    while (low < high) {        // 将比v小的元素放置到v的前面        while (low < high && ar[high] >= v) high--;        ar[low]     = ar[high];        // 将比v大的元素放到v的后面        while (low < high && ar[low] <= v) low++;        ar[high]    = ar[low];    }    ar[low] = v;    return low;}/* 快速排序递归 */void quick_sort_all(int *ar, int low, int high){    int r_low;    if (low < high) { //返回条件        r_low   = quick_sort_once(ar, low, high);   / / 分割序列        quick_sort_all(ar, low, r_low - 1);         // 递归 - 优先小的序列        quick_sort_all(ar, r_low + 1, high);    }}/* 简单测试快速排序 */int main(void){    int i;    int ar_len;    int ar[] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1};    ar_len = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(ar[0]);    //quick_sort_once(ar, 0, ar_len - 1);    quick_sort_all(ar, 0, ar_len - 1);    for (i = 0; i < ar_len; i++)        printf("%d ", ar[i]);    printf("
");    return 0;}

(2) 快速排序优化 –> O(nlogn2)

1.3 选择排序

(1) 简单选择排序


(2) 堆排序



1.4 归并排序


2 查找

介绍在实际应用中大量使用的数据结构 —— 查找表。查找表示由同一类元素构成的集合。





2.1 静态查找表


2.2 动态查找表



2.3 哈希表


3 内存管理


[2016.10.01 – 01:06]

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